Friday, 31 May 2013

PENGKHIANATAN Orang Cina Membuka Mata Bumiputera

Keputusan PRU13 telah membuatkan ramai bangsa Melayu tersentak dan terjaga dari lamunan. Selama ini UMNO dan Barisan Nasional sentiasa menyokong penuh MCA dan Gerakan. Bukan itu sahaja, bangsa Melayu telah menganggap bangsa Cina sebagai sebahagian dari saudara kita,  UMNO sentiasa bersangka baik terhadap MCA dan tidak mengganggu perjalanan parti mereka sebaik mungkin. Namun niat baik dan segala budi UMNO dan Barisan Nasional telah dibalas dengan tuba oleh bangsa Cina.

Kita yang sudah terjaga dari tidur dan lamunan yang panjang jadi cukup marah dan kecewa dengan MCA, Gerakan dan bangsa Cina. Sanggup mereka mempermainkan kita sebegini rupa.  Oleh itu , apabila kita bertindak balas dengan tindakan mereka, itu merupakan perkara biasa. Tidak mungkin kita mahu ditipu buat kali kedua.

Maka kebanyakkan kita telah mengatur langkah yang agak drastik bermula dari rumah. Penulis telah berikrar untuk mengutamakan bangsa Melayu dan Islam. Segala keperluan dapur kami pastikan dibeli di kedai Melayu. Kami hanya masuk ke kedai Cina sekiranya terdesak sangat sahaja. Kami juga selalu mengingatkan diri kami sendiri bahawa bangsa Cina telah mengkhianati kita.  Anak penulis belajar di Sekolah Wawasan, oleh itu beliau melihat dunia ini cukup sempurna tanpa perasaan rasis langsung. Kenyataan “membunuh” anak penulis hari ini, janganlah kita bertindak “RASIS”.

Penulis terpaksa menerangkan bahawa selama ini kita UMNO tidak pernah bertindak rasis terhadap kaum Cina. Kita hanya bertindakbalas terhadap pengkhianatan bangsa Cina terhadap UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Sudah sampai masanya kita mencari formula yang terbaik bagi menangani isu pengkhianatan bangsa Cina ini. Mereka sudah tidak memandang pada kebaikan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Rampasan kuasa mutlak memang merupakan agenda utama mereka.

Hasutan dari DAP yang mencetuskan idea rampasan kuasa ini begitu viral dikalangan bangsa Cina. Ini berlaku kerana bangsa Cina sudah memiliki segala-gala yang mereka perlukan kecuali kuasa mutlak. Maka Perdana Menteri harus mencari jalan untuk mengekang kuasa ekonomi mereka supaya mereka mampu berpijak di bumi nyata. Kekangan ekonomi ini harus berlaku disemua peringkat bagi memastikan agenda perpaduan kembali semula ke tanahair kita.

Penerangan yang terperinci dan mudah difahami harus diberikan kepada semua peringkat. Ini diikuti dengan perlaksanaan dan pemantauan yang berterusan keatas kekangan ekonomi bangsa Cina.  Dengan cara ini sahaja maka bangsa Cina akan berlembut dan tunduk pada perpaduan bukannya keegoan dan keangkuhan yang melampau.

Cina Sudah Lama Boikot Barangan Bumiputera

Kempen ‘Buy Chinese Last’ kini dipergiat di kalangan kaum Bumiputera walaupun dikecam oleh kaum Cina. Media berbahasa Cina dan Inggeris yang pro-pembangkang juga semakin hebat mengutuk tindakan kaum Melayu memboikot barangan Cina.

Dalam mereka berkata bahawa kaum Cina tidak akan terjejas dengan kempen ini, mereka berterusan menghentam kerajaan terutama kepimpinan, kerana tidak usaha mengekangnya. Di masa yang sama, mereka turut mempamerkan keangkuhan menyuruh kaum Melayu agar jangan bekerja dengan mereka lagi jika benar benar ingin memboikot mereka. Malah, mereka juga mengungkit-ungkit bahawa merekalah pembayar cukai terbanyak dan negara tidak akan ke mana tanpa mereka.

Tanpa sedar, mereka sebenarnya mengesahkan bahawa mereka tidak pernah ditindas oleh kerajaan serta kaum Melayu tidak pernah bersikap rasis terhadap mereka selama ini. Dari mana mereka memperolehi kekayaan dan mampu membayar cukai jika bukan dari dasar Barisan Nasional yang tidak pernah meminggirkan mereka? Dari mana mereka mendapat pelanggan jika kuasa membeli itu bukannya datang dari majoriti kaum di negara ini?   Dari mana mereka mendapat tenaga kerja jika bukan dari masyarakat yang berbilang bangsa, terutamanya pekerja bawahan?

Bukan kita tidak tahu bahawa kaum mereka yang bodoh dan malas sering diberi jawatan dan gaji tinggi di syarikat milik mereka sementara kaum Melayu yang bijak tetap akan diketepikan atas alasan kononnya Melayu itu malas dan bodoh?   Ini adalah jawapan biasa bagi kaum Cina untuk membela diri atas sikap rasis mereka.  Sudah sampai masanya kaum Melayu menangkis segala jawapan mereka ini.

Bukan kita tidak tahu bahawa walau sebodoh mana pun seorang Cina yang datang memohon kerja di kilang, beliau akan diberi kerja di pejabat. Tetapi anak Melayu dengan kelulusan diploma hanya akan ditawarkan kerja sebagai ‘operator pengeluaran’.

Adalah merupakan perkara biasa di dalam sektor swasta jika melihat anak Cina yang buta komputer diberi gaji eksekutif tetapi anak Melayu yang mampu menyediakan laporan kewangan dan membuat ‘presentation’ kepada pelanggan diberi gaji yang lebih rendah dari anak Cina bodoh itu. Selain itu, melihat bos Cina yang haram tidak tahu membaca laporan berbahasa Inggeris dan bergantung sepenuhnya pada Setiausaha Melayu untuk melakukan kerjanya juga merupakan antara gambaran lazim di sektor swasta.

Pendek kata, tidak ada seorang pun di dunia ini yang sikapnya sama dan jelas di sini bahawa kaum Cina sendiri ramai yang bodoh malah teramat baghal sehinggakan Bahasa Malaysia yang mudah itu juga tidak dapat mereka kuasai.

Kerana bodohlah kaum Cina lebih ramai ke Universiti Swasta kerana di sana kelayakan tidak begitu ketat asalkan ada duit.  Kerana bodohlah kaum Cina ramai tergila-gila membuka salon pusat hiburan untuk anak-anak dara mereka yang bodoh bekerja.  Kerana bodohlah,  kaum Cina terpaksa menghisap kebijaksanaan kaum lain dan kemudiannya menikam belakang mereka untuk mengambil nama.

Penulis bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman setelah bekerja di enam buah syarikat yang diterajui Cina.  Di syarikat-syarikat ini, walaupun kebanyakannya adalah milik bangsa asing tetapi sekiranya yang menjadi penerajunya adalah Cina, maka sampai matilah tiada Melayu yang dapat menduduki kerusi pengurusan atasan selain dalam Jabatan ‘Human Resource’ atau ‘Hal-ehwal Kerajaan’. Melihat kepintaran cina  dalam mempergunakan akal dan tenaga Melayu bijak untuk mendapat nama adalah perkara yang terlalu amat biasa.

Hakikatnya, Melayu dan Cina sama saja, ada yang bodoh ada yang bijak, dan ada yang malas serta ada yang rajin.

Jika ingin tahu kaum Cina bijak atau bodoh, ajaklah mana-mana kaum Cina dari universiti swasta itu berbincang secara ilmiah tentang pengetahuan am, sejarah dan pemikiran.  Majoriti mereka yang terasa bijak itu, langsung tidak tahu apa-apa selain mengira duit dan keuntungan.

Dan kerana Cina ada yang bodoh jugalah maka Red Bean Army menghantar beratus-ratus komen terhadap artikel-artikel mengenai ‘Buy Chinese Last’ di internet tanpa seorang pun dari mereka mempunyai wajah identiti diri.  (Ingat orang bodoh macam mereka jugak ke tak tau itu kerja Red Bean Army?)  Sedangkan, jika dilihat dari komen maya bagi artikel-artikel di laman web lain, hampir semuanya merupakan individu berwajah.

Oleh itu, tidak usahlah kaum Cina berbangga dengan kebodohan sendiri.  Ketahuilah bahawa keangkuhan itu sendiri adalah cerminan kebodohan.  Sudahlah bodoh, hipokrit pula.  Sudah menumpang, angkuh pula.  Sudah merampas semua, menafikan pula.  Di mana lagi maruah kaum Cina?  Patutlah Mat-mat Saleh Australia dan Amerika semakin ramai yang meluahkan kebencian terhadap kaum Cina di negara mereka.

Dengan mengecam kempen ‘Buy Chinese Last’ lebih lagilah terserlah bodohnya.  Ini kerana, sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum bahawa semenjak azali lagi kaum Cina memboikot barangan bumiputera.   Bukan kita tidak tahu bahawa hampir semua pasaraya yang dikuasai Cina tidak akan menerima produk bumiputera atas alasan tidak berkualiti dan berbagai-bagai alasan lagi.  Malah, jangankan produk bumiputera tidak akan dijual tetapi peniaga bumiputera juga akan ditindas semahu-mahunya.

Antara usaha yang sering  dilakukan  oleh mereka dengan mengekang  peniaga bumiputera berniaga di pasararaya dan pusat komersial ternama yang dikuasai mereka.

Mereka melakukannya dengan menaikkan harga sewa sesuka hati ke atas peniaga bumiputera tetapi memberi kelonggaran penuh kepada peniaga kaum mereka.  Di rumah-rumah kedai biasa pula, kaum Cina sanggup memberi sewa RM300 kepada peniaga bangsanya, tetapi RM800 kepada bangsa lain kerana sikap perkauman yang begitu tebal.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, mereka cukup pantang melihat produk Melayu maju, maka pantaslah mereka mengatur strategi mengsabotajnya.  Roti Gardenia adalah antara yang paling hangat diperkatakan kerana Cina memang amat memusuhi Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar yang menjadi pemiliknya, hanya kerana beliau merupakan seorang taikun Melayu.  Kononnya beliau mendapat keistimewaan dan peluang dari kerajaan hanya kerana beliau Melayu, tetapi taikun-taikun Cina yang jauh lebih ramai kerana turut mendapat peluang memonopoli itu dan ini dari kerajaan tidak apa pula.

Ada kalanya, peniaga Cina terlebih dahulu bertindak membeli atau mengedar produk bagi pihak pengeluar Melayu dan kemudiannya sedikit demi sedikit merosakkan produk tersebut sehingga ia tidak lagi dipercayai sebelum mengambil-alih pengeluarannya.

Soalnya, kenapa kaum Cina perlu mengsabotaj produk bumiputera dan begitu berdendam dengan seorang taikun Melayu yang seorang itu?   Jawapannya, tidak lain tidak bukan kerana mereka tahu bahawa Melayu punya potensi untuk turut maju seiring dengan mereka.

Oleh itu walaupun mereka sering melaung akan kepentingan bersaing secara sihat, tindakan mereka memboikot dan mengsabotaj produk bumiputera dengan sendirinya membuktikan bahawa mereka sebenarnya amat takut untuk bersaing.  Walaupun mereka tahu bahawa mereka tidak akan miskin jika turut bersaing dengan kaum lain tetapi mereka sengaja tidak mahu melihat kaum lain turut senang kerana hati mereka terlalu busuk.

Justeru, walaupun penulis seorang yang tidak suka pada seruan ke arah perkauman, tetapi penulis menyokong penuh kempen boikot barangan Cina.  Bukan kerana rasis, tetapi kerana penulis menyokong ‘persaingan sihat’.

Boikot perlu dibalas boikot.


1. Street demonstrations can bring down Governments. This we know from the Arab Spring. But we should also know that setting up a new Government to replace the old Government is not as easy.

2. There will always be people who will not agree with the new Government, no matter if the Government is democratically elected or not. The losers in the bid for power will always accuse the winners of cheating and frauds of all kinds. They will demand for new elections, or a re-count or whatever.

3. If their demand is not agreed to then they will take to the streets in continuous and even violent demonstrations, supplemented with strikes and sundry disorders. They know that if the demonstrations are big enough, the police cannot act against them. If the police try, they will resist and become violent. If the police react with violence than their foreign backers will accuse the police of brutality.

4. In many instances the police had to withdraw or they may be directed to withdraw. They become disinclined to carry out their duties. Some people would take advantage of this by committing minor crimes. The people would feel insecure.

5. If on the other hand new elections are held, and the former losers win, the new losers will accuse the winners of cheating, of fraud etc. They will hold street demonstrations and strikes and do everything possible to bring down the Government. And so it would go on.

6. The net result would be continuous turmoil in the country. There would be no growth. Poverty will spread. The country may have to beg for aid or borrow. In the end it loses its independence.

7. But of course this is a small price to pay for the right to bring down governments through democratic street demonstrations.

8. Perhaps it would be better if governments are chosen through street demonstrations. It would probably be less fraudulent.

Anwar & DAP Usah Campurtangan Urusan Negara Kami! - PM Singapura

Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat benar-benar terkedu apabila ditempelak oleh Singapura agar jangan masuk campur dalam hal-ehwal negara itu.  Singapura bertindak demikian apabila pemimpin PR, antaranya Nurul Izzah dan Teo Ni Ching, menghantar petisyen meminta kerajaan negara itu ‘berlembut’ terhadap 21 penyokong PR dari kaum Cina yang berdemonstrasi menentang keputusan PRU-13.

Nampaknya PR telah tersalah congak akan hubungan parti itu dengan Singapura.  

Hakikatnya, Singapura hanya berminat untuk ‘menguasai’ Malaysia, bukannya berkawan dengan pemimpin parti politik Malaysia termasuk pembangkang, walaupun negara itu begitu ‘mesra’ pembangkang sebelum ini.

Singapura terkenal dengan sikap ‘keras’ dan tidak bertolak ansur dengan sesiapa yang melanggar undang-undang.  Jika tidak takkanlah negara itu dirujuk sebagai ‘Negara Denda’ (Fine City).  

Kerajaan Singapura sentiasa memastikan bahawa mereka tidak dipermainkan oleh rakyat, apatah lagi rakyat negara lain.  

Maka jelaslah bahawa penyokong PR sememangnya terdiri dari manusia yang ‘kurang cerdik’ dengan sengaja mencari fasal di negara itu.   Mungkinkah mereka menyangka, Singapura yang dikuasai Cina akan berlembut terhadap kaum Cina juga?  

Sewajarnya, 21 penyokong PR yang terkinja-kinja berdemo di Singapura sambil menjerit-jerit sehingga kehabisan suara itu sedar apakah yang dipanggil ‘tiada kebebasan bersuara’ atau ‘tiada hak untuk ekspresi diri’ dengan sebenar-benarnya.  

Ketika berada Malaysia mereka mempunyai hak untuk berbuat apa sahaja, termasuk menghamun Perdana Menteri secara konsisten dan giat sekali.  Mereka diberi hak berhimpun dan menghina kerajaan semahu-mahunya.  Malah, mereka juga boleh menyebar penipuan, menabur fitnah dan kebencian terhadap kerajaan tanpa diambil apa-apa tindakan.  Di Malaysia jugalah mereka memperoleh kekayaan sehingga mampu mendabik dada sebagai pembayar cukai terbanyak.  

Tetapi kini, mulut mereka ditutup oleh negara yang mereka jadikan idola sebagai terbuka dan lebih baik, iaitu Singapura.   Semuanya hanyalah kerana mereka ‘berhimpun secara aman’.

Ironi sekali kerana Singapura sebelum ini telah didapati ‘menghantar wakil’ dalam Himpunan BERSIH dan Lynas di negara ini.  

Nampaknya, inilah yang pemimpin PR tidak faham, iaitu Singapura menyokong dan memberi bantuan kepada PR untuk membuat huru-hara di Malaysia sahaja, bukannya di negaranya.  

Tentu sekali, sokongan dan bantuan Singapura kepada PR itu ada sebabnya.  Dan sebabnya itu pula bukanlah kerana ingin memastikan rakyat negara ini ada hak kebebasan bersuara ataupun sekadar ‘suka-suka ingin melihat jiran huru-hara’ .  

Dari kesungguhan Singapura membantu Lim Kit Siang di Johor malah memberi berbagai bantuan kepada DAP termasuk dari segi kewangan, maka pastinya negara itu mempunyai sebab yang jauh lebih besar dari itu.  

Oleh itu, sebagai parti yang ingin sangat menjadi pemerintah di Malaysia, PR wajib mengetahui bahawa negara jiran itu tidak pernah melupakan cita-cita untuk menguasai negara ini.  

Jika PR gagal memahami perkara ini maka jelaslah bahawa PR tidak layak untuk menjadi pemerintah kerana mana mungkin negara dibiarkan diperintah oleh parti yang tidak dapat membaca niat musuh yang ingin menjajah?

The debate on vernacular schools By Sharyn Shufiyan

THE issue of vernacular schools is so sensitive that the prevailing sentiment is that the call for abolishing vernacular schools is racist in nature. But I don’t quite understand this rationale.

Wouldn’t controlled segregation be even more racist? But come to think of it, our national schools – in its somewhat innocuous way – have become vernacular.

Perhaps the resistance towards national schools is partly because the current system is seen as pushing Malay interests. Our current education system is merely a mirror reflecting an entrenched system of public life organised around race.

A former colleague of mine went to a Chinese primary school. During a reorganisation of the class, she was asked to sit next to a boy. As she sat down, the boy suddenly burst out crying. The teacher asked him what’s wrong, to which he replied, “I don’t want to sit next to a Malay girl.”

This was a one-off event, however, and she generally enjoyed her time in that school.

When I was in school, a Malay schoolmate sneered at a Chinese one for eating with her left hand. Of course, the Chinese girl is oblivious to the Malay taboo of eating with the left hand as its use is to wash “down there”.

These two instances were borderline racism, but it is fundamentally ignorance of the Other. Racism happens both in vernacular and national schools as it does in society. Let’s not pretend it doesn’t. We all have derogatory terms for one another. But racism at school level is ominous.

When students and teachers are found to be racist, it is our collective duty to expose it, much like the principal of a school in Johor who made racist remarks against the Chinese and Indians. Both the school and the principal were named and shamed.

Perhaps we should approach vernacular schools not with cries of abolishment but of integration. And I don’t mean any of that “vision school” thing. I mean a full integration, whereby languages such as Mandarin, Tamil, and even French, Spanish, German or any other foreign language, are taught alongside English and Bahasa Malaysia.

I don’t believe that just because your children attend a national school and have friends from other ethnicities, they will forget their mother tongue or cultural practices. One’s culture is learned and internalised at home.

Yes, vernacular schools also act as community centres but if we were to have them integrated, we would have clubs and associations that promote preservation of cultural heritage – much like the Kelab Kebudayaan at national schools. Again, with effort, dedication and commitment, these clubs and associations can be more than just lip service.

I think the underlying problem is a major distrust of our national schools and their questionable quality. I completely agree; what we need is a complete deconstruction, a brand new national school, one that encapsulates Malaysian values and reflects the societal change of aBangsa Malaysia that is taking place.

English Schools, Bahasa and Integration by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

Some of the media exchanges on the proposal to establish English medium national schools have given the impression that these schools would be able to facilitate inter-ethnic integration better than Bahasa Malaysia schools.

It is true that in the late fifties and sixties, many English medium schools in urban centres were multi-ethnic. Consequently, there was quite a bit of interaction among the students. But it was the composition of these schools ---not their language of instruction --- that was the cause.

In the seventies as English medium schools were converted to Bahasa schools, the ethnic mix changed quite dramatically largely because of an exodus of Chinese students who opted to join Chinese primary schools. There were many reasons for this including the decline in the quality of teaching of core subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science and the lack of opportunities in Bahasa schools to learn Chinese as a subject, in spite of a provision in the Education Act that allows for the study of one’s mother tongue. Parents, it appears, were also concerned about the alleged lack of discipline in Bahasa schools and their children’s academic performance.

As Bahasa schools became less multi-ethnic and more Malay, they began to acquire, especially from the nineties onwards, a more Islamic character. This further discouraged non-Malays and non-Muslims from enrolling in these schools.

There is however another reason for the outflow of Chinese students from Bahasa schools which is seldom highlighted. Like other non-indigenous communities in societies which had become multi-ethnic as a result of colonial rule, the Chinese and the Indians in Malaysia, have by and large adopted an apathetic --- at best lukewarm --- attitude towards the elevation to national status of practices and symbols associated with the indigenous people. This is why there is hardly any enthusiasm even today among the non-indigenous communities about promoting and popularising Bahasa Malaysia as the definitive language of the land.

The situation has been exacerbated by a Malay elite since Merdeka which has always been ambivalent about the efficacy of Bahasa Malaysia as the language of commerce, industry, science and even government. Mainly English educated, it lacks a holistic vision of how the national language can help to integrate our culturally diverse society.

Contrast this with Indonesia whose elite even before Independence in 1945 articulated a clear commitment to nurturing Bahasa Indonesia as the principal channel for integrating 6000 ethnic groups into a united nation. The Indonesian leaders were determined to evolve a shared national identity through their national language because they knew that the Malay language had served as a lingua franca --- a language of inter-ethnic communication and interaction --- for hundreds of years. Malay, one of the most multi-cultural languages in the world, is eminently qualified to promote integration in a multi-ethnic society. Even in our case, before colonialism, it was primarily through the Malay language that small Chinese communities in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Melaka integrated remarkably well into the prevailing cultural ethos.

There is every reason to believe that Bahasa Malaysia can once again help to facilitate interaction and integration in our sekolah kebangsaan. Our real challenge is to make these schools multi-ethnic. Create a learning and teaching environment that will draw the different communities to Bahasa schools. Implement all the proposals contained in the Education Blueprint --- about improving the teaching of various subjects and languages; about discipline; about classroom size; about school administration; about transcending ethnic and religious boundaries; about being truly inclusive. Indeed, in recognising and rewarding students and teachers, be just and fair, regardless of ethnic or religious affiliation. To carry forward all the changes envisaged, ensure competent, dedicated leadership at all levels of the education hierarchy.

Once all this is done, the national school, I have no doubt, will become the school of first choice--- sooner than later.

Umno Baru ‘takut MATI’

It is simply ironic; Umno Baru’s Najib Abdul Razak, has urged the BN coalition to adapt so that it can maintain its relevance in the future – but behind closed doors, all the Umno Baru politicians fear change.

Why? They fear that Umno Baru will cease to exist because of Meritocracy, Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (MATI) – qualities which no Umno Baru politician displays or can ever hope to attain.

It is alleged that Umno Baru politicians laugh at this MATI joke because they realise the significance of adopting the MATI principles, as MATI means ‘death’ in Malay.

Umno Baru tyrants have exploited the rakyat for their own ends, but anyone who has met Najib or former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad (left) will be struck by their apparent friendliness and kindly manner. They will be surprised that despite what is written about them; their alleged arrogance and the alleged corruptions carried out on their behalf, they are very different in person.

That is why it is important for members of the rakyat, to understand that the public persona of these men is just a facade. Behind the public masks, lurk other people – men who are responsible for dividing the rakyat and plundering the nation.

Mahathir started off by separating the rakyat into ‘superior’ Malays versus the ‘inferior’ non-Malays. Each group was then further sub-divided. Malays were separated into ordinary Malays and Umno Baru-putras.

Najib continued Mahathir’s work – for instance, in Najib’s cabinet, the ‘divide and rule’ concept is used to keep the Indians at bay. This can be seen as Hindraf’s P Waythamoorthy eats out of one hand, whilst the MIC representative feeds from the other. Najib reinforces our prejudices by rewarding one group, only if they do as they are told.

The environment which Umno Baru created stifles national unity. The brainwashing of Malaysians has reached epidemic levels. We do not require the presence of people in uniform to make us obey.

Our grandparents thought nothing of entering a Chinese kedai kopi (coffeeshop) for refreshments. Today, when I enter a Chinese coffeeshop to meet a friend, I am amazed at the shocked stares of people along the five-foot way. Worse still, the coffeeshop owner looks anxious and is eager for me to leave quickly. He is afraid that he will incur the wrath of the authorities.

Unity begins at home

Our society has descended into a social morass, and yet these Malaysians – who react like this in Malaysia – have no reservations when they are overseas.

By dividing the rakyat into groups of “them” and “us”, Umno Baru has created a community of overbearing Malays. These people demand that non-Malays treat them with deference. Non-Malays have related their experiences during open house celebrations. They claim that to accommodate their Muslim friends, they would prepare halal food on new crockery and cutlery, but Malays simply snub their efforts.

Unity, like charity, should always begin at home. These may be insignificant acts, but their consequences are enough to widen the gulf between the races.

Despite the injustices in the country, there are many people who refuse to become involved. They are content to watch from the sidelines and say nothing, thus prolonging everyone’s suffering.

Do these people, who are not willing to intervene, condone the lack of meritocracy in the nation? The award of scholarships to students is masked in secrecy. What will happen when their children are denied a place at university? Why should our best scholars end up in Singapore or beyond?

Why are some able and financially secure companies unable to bid successfully for government tenders? Why are the children of politicians, with little or no experience, able to win multi-billion ringgit projects?

When it comes to accountability, are these bystanders not worried about the future of their country? The new inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar has vowed to curb “illegal” rallies, but he has failed to find the men guilty of the increasing numbers of deaths in police custody.

Extremists are let off, and crime is reportedly rising. Is there any accountability in the police force? Khalid claims that he is not politically motivated and yet his actions defy his words.

The new Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has wasted his superior education. Cheating, crime and corruption are wrong, although he has maintained that there was “not a shred of evidence” of electoral fraud in GE13.

How can you trust a man who once defended former Women’s Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who was embroiled in the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal? The NFC was allegedly controlled by her husband and children, who misappropriated soft loans to feather their own nests.

Many government projects lack transparency and yet when they fail, it is the taxpayer who picks up the tab. The Penang administration claims that it practises transparency in awarding projects and that the majority of the awards are won by bumiputera contractors. If the Penang state government can achieve this, there is no reason why it cannot be accomplished at the federal level.

‘BN’s lack of integrity’

Waythamoorthy of Hindraf spoke at a University of London (School of African and Oriental Studies) lecture on ‘The Marginalisation of Malaysia’s Minority Indian Community’ in early 2012, where he was asked about the lack of integrity of Malaysian politicians. He agreed that Malaysian politicians were without honour. Little did anyone realise that one year later, he would join the ranks of politicians without integrity.

Young student activist Adam Adli Abdul Halim (left) has more integrity than the whole BN government combined. He is worried about the future of the country, whereas the BN politicians are worried about the future of their pockets.

Najib’s crackdown on dissenters is a show of intimidation. He is afraid that the people’s power will topple him and Umno Baru in the same way that a rising tide of anger toppled some north African regimes.

Anyone who thinks that Umno Baru will adapt, or that the Election Commission (EC) will reform and ensure a free and fair GE14, is seriously deluded.

Before GE13, Umno Baru tried to wear down the opposition leader with a barrage of legal persecution. After GE13, Umno Baru is still attempting to quash the will of the people. They have no incentive to clean up the electoral system.

Umno Baru said they would reform, but they failed. When the public rallied to show their disgust, there was a large-scale brutal crackdown on dissenters. Very soon, the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will cause the prices of ordinary goods to increase further. This – linked with corruption that remains unchecked – will cause our economy to suffer.

Umno Baru politicians have betrayed us and tried to pit Malaysians against one another. 10 years ago, one would not have thought of Malaysians as having solidarity. Today, they are united and will be able to kill off this tyrannical rule.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Unity: Moving Forward by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

One of the most positive developments in the wake of the 13th General Election is the willingness of a number of Ministers in the Federal Cabinet to invite Opposition politicians to join them in policy formulation and planning at the ministerial level.

Hopefully, cooperation of this sort --- if it works out --- will reduce the antagonism and animosity between the Barisan Nasional and the Pakatan Rakyat which has poisoned the political atmosphere in the last five years or so. Adversarial politics upon which our political system is built often undermines the etiquette and respect that should govern relations between actors with different perspectives on society.

If the Federal Government and the Federal Opposition demonstrate that they can work together on certain matters, the Centre and the Opposition states should also aim to achieve a higher level of understanding especially on issues that have divided them in the recent past. Since there is always the possibility of a State and the Centre being ruled by different political parties, it is imperative that the rulers at both levels transcend partisan loyalties and focus upon the well-being of the people. Opposition leaders at the State level should perhaps initiate moves in that direction, since some Federal Ministers have already reached out to the Opposition.

In the spirit of reaching out to each other, the BN and the PR should also give serious attention to a proposal that has re-emerged in the post-election scenario.

I had first mooted the idea of a Consultative Council on National Unity in 1987 when I was heading a local NGO.  Later, when I joined the Opposition, then known as Barisan Alternatif (BA), I revived the proposal and developed it further. The BA accepted it and the concept of a Majlis Perundingan Perpaduan Nasional (MPPN) was presented to the public at a media conference on the 2nd of April 2001.

I had suggested then --- and I remain convinced --- that the MPPN should be established through an Act of Parliament. It would be independent of the Executive and would be answerable to Parliament to which it would submit half-yearly reports to be debated by both the Dewan Rakyat and the Dewan Negara. These reports would also contain recommendations which if adopted by Parliament would be implemented by the Executive.

Since the proposed MPPN would be answerable to Parliament, its members would also be appointed by the same body. What is envisaged is a membership of about 40 to 50 persons comprising representatives of citizens’ groups and individuals who have researched and written on ethnic relations in Malaysia. The membership should reflect the wide spectrum of ethnic concerns that characterise our society and should be as inclusive as possible.   Political parties and serving politicians will not be part of the MPPN. This is to ensure that the consultative council will not be subjected to the pulls and pressures of partisan politics. It will also help to elevate issues pertaining to national unity above politics which in some ways has been a bane to the quest for national unity.

The MPPN would meet behind closed doors. There would be no media coverage of its deliberations. The media and the public would have access to its work through its half-yearly reports presented to Parliament. It is through Parliament that the MPPN would be accountable to the people.

It is crucial that a platform like MPPN be established expeditiously, given the situation we are in. When political polarisation conceals deeper ethnic-cum-religious polarisation, it is important to create opportunities for citizens with divergent ethnic perspectives to meet and share their innermost feelings in an atmosphere that allows for honest, sober reflection. If anything, the 13th General Election and its outcome has revealed that a substantial segment of the Malay and Chinese populace subscribes to notions of the character and identity of the Malaysian nation which are diametrically different. It is partly because many Malays felt in the week leading to the polls that the idea of the nation that they were comfortable with was being challenged by a view of Malaysia that ignored its historical foundation that they rallied around UMNO. The election also showed how ‘equality’ and ‘justice’ are increasingly seen through a communal prism that has little or no empathy for the other and how it understands its own situation.   The impact of young voters who mirror some of these communal tendencies and yet are different in their political orientation from the older generation is yet another development that merits serious thought. Add to this the role of the new media in fostering and reinforcing both communal and non-communal attitudes. Among these attitudes are those related to religion and its role in the public sphere which in the election generated responses from a segment of both the Muslim majority and the Christian minority.

What this shows is that there are issues of great magnitude that should be addressed outside the arena of electoral politics through sincere and continuous engagement and interaction with the diverse citizens’ groups that constitute our multi-ethnic nation. Hence the case for MPPN.

Umno Baru ‘takut MATI’ By MARIAM MOKHTAR

It is simply ironic; Umno Baru’s Najib Abdul Razak, has urged the BN coalition to adapt so that it can maintain its relevance in the future – but behind closed doors, all the Umno Baru politicians fear change.

Why? They fear that Umno Baru will cease to exist because of Meritocracy, Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (MATI) – qualities which no Umno Baru politician displays or can ever hope to attain.

It is alleged that Umno Baru politicians laugh at this MATI joke because they realise the significance of adopting the MATI principles, as MATI means ‘death’ in Malay.

Umno Baru tyrants have exploited the rakyat for their own ends, but anyone who has met Najib or former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad (left) will be struck by their apparent friendliness and kindly manner. They will be surprised that despite what is written about them; their alleged arrogance and the alleged corruptions carried out on their behalf, they are very different in person.

That is why it is important for members of the rakyat, to understand that the public persona of these men is just a facade. Behind the public masks, lurk other people – men who are responsible for dividing the rakyat and plundering the nation.

Mahathir started off by separating the rakyat into ‘superior’ Malays versus the ‘inferior’ non-Malays. Each group was then further sub-divided. Malays were separated into ordinary Malays and Umno Baru-putras.

Najib continued Mahathir’s work – for instance, in Najib’s cabinet, the ‘divide and rule’ concept is used to keep the Indians at bay. This can be seen as Hindraf’s P Waythamoorthy eats out of one hand, whilst the MIC representative feeds from the other. Najib reinforces our prejudices by rewarding one group, only if they do as they are told.

The environment which Umno Baru created stifles national unity. The brainwashing of Malaysians has reached epidemic levels. We do not require the presence of people in uniform to make us obey.

Our grandparents thought nothing of entering a Chinese kedai kopi (coffeeshop) for refreshments. Today, when I enter a Chinese coffeeshop to meet a friend, I am amazed at the shocked stares of people along the five-foot way. Worse still, the coffeeshop owner looks anxious and is eager for me to leave quickly. He is afraid that he will incur the wrath of the authorities.

Unity begins at home

Our society has descended into a social morass, and yet these Malaysians – who react like this in Malaysia – have no reservations when they are overseas.

By dividing the rakyat into groups of “them” and “us”, Umno Baru has created a community of overbearing Malays. These people demand that non-Malays treat them with deference. Non-Malays have related their experiences during open house celebrations. They claim that to accommodate their Muslim friends, they would prepare halal food on new crockery and cutlery, but Malays simply snub their efforts.

Unity, like charity, should always begin at home. These may be insignificant acts, but their consequences are enough to widen the gulf between the races.

Despite the injustices in the country, there are many people who refuse to become involved. They are content to watch from the sidelines and say nothing, thus prolonging everyone’s suffering.

Do these people, who are not willing to intervene, condone the lack of meritocracy in the nation? The award of scholarships to students is masked in secrecy. What will happen when their children are denied a place at university? Why should our best scholars end up in Singapore or beyond?

Why are some able and financially secure companies unable to bid successfully for government tenders? Why are the children of politicians, with little or no experience, able to win multi-billion ringgit projects?

When it comes to accountability, are these bystanders not worried about the future of their country? The new inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar has vowed to curb “illegal” rallies, but he has failed to find the men guilty of the increasing numbers of deaths in police custody.

Extremists are let off, and crime is reportedly rising. Is there any accountability in the police force? Khalid claims that he is not politically motivated and yet his actions defy his words.

The new Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has wasted his superior education. Cheating, crime and corruption are wrong, although he has maintained that there was “not a shred of evidence” of electoral fraud in GE13.

How can you trust a man who once defended former Women’s Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who was embroiled in the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal? The NFC was allegedly controlled by her husband and children, who misappropriated soft loans to feather their own nests.

Many government projects lack transparency and yet when they fail, it is the taxpayer who picks up the tab. The Penang administration claims that it practises transparency in awarding projects and that the majority of the awards are won by bumiputera contractors. If the Penang state government can achieve this, there is no reason why it cannot be accomplished at the federal level.

‘BN’s lack of integrity’

Waythamoorthy of Hindraf spoke at a University of London (School of African and Oriental Studies) lecture on ‘The Marginalisation of Malaysia’s Minority Indian Community’ in early 2012, where he was asked about the lack of integrity of Malaysian politicians. He agreed that Malaysian politicians were without honour. Little did anyone realise that one year later, he would join the ranks of politicians without integrity.

Young student activist Adam Adli Abdul Halim (left) has more integrity than the whole BN government combined. He is worried about the future of the country, whereas the BN politicians are worried about the future of their pockets.

Najib’s crackdown on dissenters is a show of intimidation. He is afraid that the people’s power will topple him and Umno Baru in the same way that a rising tide of anger toppled some north African regimes.

Anyone who thinks that Umno Baru will adapt, or that the Election Commission (EC) will reform and ensure a free and fair GE14, is seriously deluded.

Before GE13, Umno Baru tried to wear down the opposition leader with a barrage of legal persecution. After GE13, Umno Baru is still attempting to quash the will of the people. They have no incentive to clean up the electoral system.

Umno Baru said they would reform, but they failed. When the public rallied to show their disgust, there was a large-scale brutal crackdown on dissenters. Very soon, the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will cause the prices of ordinary goods to increase further. This – linked with corruption that remains unchecked – will cause our economy to suffer.

Umno Baru politicians have betrayed us and tried to pit Malaysians against one another. 10 years ago, one would not have thought of Malaysians as having solidarity. Today, they are united and will be able to kill off this tyrannical rule.

Incorrect strategy cost BN votes.

Twice the finance minister and now a sought after political commentator, Tun Daim Zauniddin attributed the Barisan Nasional’s poor showing at the May 5 general election to incorrect strategy.

He told the China Press newspaper that Malaysia’ general election is a parliamentary election and not a presidential election, adding that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s advisers should be sacked.

“If you associate a vote for BN as a vote for him (Najib), then BN’s poorer results reflect on him too.

“This is a parliamentary election, not a presidential election. The PM’s advisers should be sacked,” he said.

And is Najib a lame duck prime minister and Umno president?

The following is the English transcript of the interview, which covered a wide variety of issues surrounding the outcome of the 13th GE, made available to this blog. I record my appreciation to the China Press for its superb effort and to Daim’s office.

The Day After

Q1: Tun, what was first in your mind when you first received the full election result? Did you expect it?

A: I wasn’t surprised. At around noon the feedback I got was that BN 141, DAP 38 but my own assessment was BN between 125 and 135 only.

Q2: Do you think this election was a fair one? Opposition parties and NGOs still accused BN of misuse the government facilities, and the problematic integrity of the electoral roll.

A: Of course it is fair. If it’s not fair how come in Penang and Selangor Pakatan improved on majorities and Federal BN get only 133. These accusations are not new. They said all these even before the elections. I’ve said earlier that they will be saying all these because they know they can’t get to Putrajaya.

Read my interviews before this, I said they will be proclaiming to world they would win and that if they don’t its because they have been robbed and therefore entitled to protest, incite people which is that they are doing now and they want people to go to streets. They want FRUs, water cannons and teargas then CNN, Al Jazeera, etc will be back and they are back in the news.

Anwar and Kit Siang are inviting police to arrest them. They want to be arrested. They are totally irresponsible. If you see the recent rallies and that majority of the participants are Chinese, what do you think will happen if one hot-headed Malay organisation wants to organise a counter rally? But Anwar and Kit Siang don’t mind, if there is another inter-racial incident, they would blame BN. If you are willing to sacrifice peace and stability for your ends, what kind of leadership is this?

They say they should be the rightful leaders of this country, yet they defy laws, defy the police, and they have no respect for, and undermine every institution of government which they say they should helm. What kind of leadership promotes lawlessness and anarchy? What message do you send and what lessons do you teach the young and the impressionable? Leadership comes with responsibility.

There are laws in this country. Go to court, of course, they say courts are not fair, yet these same courts have acquitted Anwar. Again when it’s convenient to them they go to the courts to sue and silence their detractors. They accept where they won and reject where they lost. They are selective. Karpal practises and appeals before this same court.

Be brave and honest. Accept the results. Karpal says he is happy with the results. PAS has accepted. Azmin is critical of Anwar’s refusal to accept the results and doing these rallies, but don’t read too much into his statements. It’s like an old married couple’s quarrel, one party merajuk (sulks) but in the end they are still together.

Anwar is already up to his tricks — putting out feelers to Barisan MPs. He is waiting after the Cabinet appointments for another round of his September 16.

Is BN A Validly Elected Government -

In 2008, Pakatan Rakyat fought a titanic battle in the GE12. It managed to astound Barisan Nasional by denying the BN, for the very first time in Malaysia's history, a two-third majority. Honestly, we don't think many people gave the PR that fat chance to do so in 2008.

The same system as in GE13 was used. The same delineation of voters and constituencies as in GE13 was used. We have heard not a single complain about gerrymandering since 2008 until May the 5th 2013. (we could be wrong and I stand to be corrected on this).

In fact, most voters did not even know the word "gerrymandering" before 6th May 2013.

Prior to GE13, noises were made about the electoral roll being dirty. Efforts were put, either by making noises, lodge police reports or by going to Courts (YB Nurul Izzah did this and it was commendable of her we must say) to clean the roll. But to no avail as judicial review was not available.

But gerrymandering WAS NEVER an issue at all. Nobody, as far as we know, within Pakatan had complained about this.

In fact, a cursory reading of the Buku Jingga, Pakatan's political and administration Bible, did not even mention gerrymandering.

Buku Jingga did not even mention Pakatan's aspiration to re-delineate the various constituencies if they had come into power.

The truth is this. It is without doubt that delineation of constituencies have been made and used by the BN to somewhat favour them.

The question is whether that was legal or Constitutional. Why has there been no legal challenge?

But why is it such a huge issue suddenly now? Because Pakatan lost the GE13?

What if Pakatan had won? Would it be an issue? Or would Pakatan be ready to live under the same delineation just because it works for them?

Was Pakatan willing to hedge its position prior to GE13 by NOT making any kind of noise about gerrymandering PRIOR to GE13?

We don't know.

Our point is this. You knew it was there all this while. You live with it. You never made an issue out of it. You contested in not one, but TWO GEs with the same system.

You lost this time.

Now you make a hell lot of noise about it.

We say you live to fight for another five years. So let's stop saying the GE is null and void.

Be a responsible opposition just as much as you want the government to be a responsible government.

We personally think that the Barisan is a validly elected government of the day.

A valid government has the right to defend itself, within the confines of the law against illegal acts.

Otherwise, the State would descend into chaos.

Sah Azmin dan Dr Rani Tiada Dalam Barisan Exco Negeri Selangor. Kenapa?

Hari ini setelah lebih tiga minggu pilihan raya berlalu kerajaan Selangor terbentuk dengan rasminya apabila 10 orang Exconya telah selamat mengangkat sumpah. Mungkin semua orang lega terutamanya Khalid Ibrahim yang mengangkat sumpah lebih awal sebagai MB, tetapi masih belum memanggil mesyuarat Exco kerana 'kelewatan' pembentukan barisan majlis mesyuarat Kerajaan Selangor.

Namun pun begitu, ada sesuatu yang boleh dipertikaikan disebalik pembentukan kerajaan Selangor itu. Mungkin orang akan bertanya, (atau tidak mahu bertanya), mengenai kedudukan Mohamed Azmin Ali dan Dr Rani Osman, mengapa mereka tidak termasuk dalam senarai Exco? Apakah nama mereka tidak disenarai oleh parti atau mengapa?

Tidak mungkin parti PKR dan PAS tidak menyenaraikan nama mereka. Mereka berdua adalah Pengerusi Perhubungan parti masing-masing di Selangor. Dr Rani ialah Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor manakala Azmin ialah Ketua Perhubungan PKR Selangor.

Boleh jadi parti telah menyenaraikan nama mereka, tetapi ada pihak yang tidak mahukan mereka? Siapakah yang tidak mahukan mereka dan apakah sebabnya? Pemerhati politik tentu ingin mengetahuinya. Kita tahu untuk penjawat MB dan Exco ia memerlukan perkenan Sultan. Sekiranya Sultan tidak berkenan maka mereka tidak dapat menjadi MB atau Exco. Di sini menunjukkan Sultan berkuasa sama dalam pembentukan kerajaan sesebuah negeri seperti Selangor itu.

Apabila tiada nama Azmin dan Dr Rani ini menunjukkan sultan tidak merestui mereka?

Timbul persoalan apakah kuasa dan peranan Sultan sejauh itu sekali? Apakah kuasa sultan mengatasi kuasa parti politik dan cara itu tepat dan benar? Maksudnya Sultan boleh menafikan apa-apa cadangan yang dibuat oleh parti? Apa yang berlaku ini menunjukkan begitulah hakikatnya. Ini bermakna sehebat mana kuasa parti, sekuat mana kuasa parti kalau, Sultan tidak memberi perkenan maka seseorang yang ditunjuki parti itu tidak boleh memegang jawatan MB atau Exco. Apakah erti dan makna semua ini?

Kelakuan ini juga boleh menolak kebimbangan tidak berasas sesetegah pihak sebelum ini yang telah menerima dakyah pihak-pihak tertentu. Kononnya sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat menang, negeri ini akan dikuasi oleh orang Cina. Dengan apa yang berlaku ke atas Azmin, Dr Rani dan Husam Musa di Kelantan itu, menjelaskan bahawa kuasa 'penuh' dalam menentukan ketua kerajaan terletak di tangan sultan? Maknanya selagi sultan tidak bertukar menjadi Cina atau India maka selama itulah penguasa atau pentadbiran negara ini orang Melayu.

Kalau begitulah yang menjadi amalan dan peraturan digunapakai elok kalau sebelum menamakan calon untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya parti kena mengemukakan calon-calon mereka kepada sultan terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui akan sultan berkenan atau tidak. Ini penting bagi mengelakkan hal-hal yang sudah berlaku itu terjadi.

Kerana kalau sultan tidak memberi perkenaan, calon-calon yang dibayangkan untuk jadi MB atau Exco oleh parti yang menang tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan kerana mereka yang dicadang itu tidak mendapat perkenan sultan. Ini menjelaskan dalam apa juga perkara perkenaan sultan diperlukan.

Di sini semacam ada pertindihan kuasa dan konflik dalam demokrasi? Sepatutnya mana-mana parti yang menang dengan mendapat majoriti berhak menamakan sesiapa di kalangan anggotanya untuk menjadi MB atau Exco. Kalau hak parti itu sudah tidak dihiraukan lagi, maka elok dipinda undang-undang atau peraturan semua nama-nama calon yang akan bertanding dalam pilihan raya mestilah mendapat perkenaan sultan. Biarlah kedudukan ini jelas bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan dan timbul pertanyaan umum.

Pertindihan atau konflit demokrasi serta situasi begini bukan baru. Ia juga pernah berlaku sebelum ini. Sudah sampai masanya satu mekanisme diambil bagi mengelakkan situasi sebegini yang tidak membantu menyuburkan demokrasi negara ini. Pertindihan ini perlu dilengsaikan dan diselarikan, iya kalau semuanya diserahkan kepada sultan dan raja sebutlah biar terang.

Penjelasan dari Setiausaha Sulit Sultan telah menjawab segala teka teki rakyat Selangor. Kesimpulan kepada segala kemelut perlantikan Exco negeri Selangor adalah disebabkan oleh kesalahan MB sendiri bukan Sultan sepertimana yang digembar gemburkan selama ini.

Red Bean Army, DAP's Cyber Troopers Is No Longer A Secret - Kit Siang

The existance of Red Bean Army, DAP's cyber troopers is no longer a secret. If previously many doubted the number of comments and 'likes' for anti-government materials in the internet, all of their questions are now clear when a former DAP youth leader revealed on operations of the Red Bean Army.

According to Shen Yee Aun, the number of Red Bean Army cyber troopers are around 2000-3000 people and they are each paid around RM3000-RM8000 each. They each own between 20-50 social networking accounts and operate at a few places with two of its main offices, one in Komtar, Penang and another one in Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

DAP, however, denied this matter.

Lim Kit Siang in his blog focused on this issue and questioned the wisdom of Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi who made the statement regarding DAP's Red Bean Army. Lim Kit Siang, says, there is no way that DAP spends RM15 million per month, or RM180 million each year, or RM1.08 billion for the whole six years of Red Bean Army's operation.

Perhaps the number might look too high for us. But we should understand how important GE13 was for DAP. It is so important that they were not able to cover the intervention of Singapore's PAP to ensure Pakatan Rakyat's victory. DAP's ‘Ini Kalilah’ slogan is enough to show that they have put everything on the table for GE13.

So it is not surprising why the Chinese were willing to join the 505 Rally even though all these while demonstrations are mostly done by PAS. Clearly, DAP is devastated as they lose in GE13 despite of all their efforts in adding and transferring voters to 'strategic' areas.

That is why, DAP still hope that Anwar would be the person who will be able to take over the power from BN through any methods possible.

However, DAP's ambition seem unreachable after the expose on the Red Bean Army. Now, rakyat knew that the thousands of comments and 'likes' over anti-government materials only represent about 2000-3000 people alone. Thus, their propaganda gets weaker.

To make matters worse, when the Red Bean Army has been proven to not just be gangsters but also liars. They kept on lying even though their lies have been proven to be lies.

Such extreme lies prove that Red Bean Army are not smart cyber troopers. They are now slowly turning to become DAP's liability where each one of the materials spread by them are doubted by their own supporters. Some DAP supporters even came up and responded on their lies, for example, the 'blackout' issue.

Lim Kit Siang can still deny and lie, but rakyat now know that no liars can survive unless they keep on lying. And Kit Siang chooses to keep on lying by making claims saying that the Red Bean Army does not exist. It is weird that he does not criticize Shen Yee Aun, the source who exposed Red Bean Army. Instead, he criticized Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi.

Fact is, anyone can confirm the existence of these idiotic cyber troopers if they really observe the activities in the internet, especially in social networking sites.

Just imagine how can a single material hitting the government could receive more than 50,000 'likes' within a single hour? And how can a single article in Malaysiakini receive hundreds of comments in less than an hour with all commenters accounts do not have any display pictures on?

Thus, before Lim Kit Siang question the wisdom of Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi, it would be better for him to look into himself first. What kind of leader spends millions of ringgit to pay for idiotic army? What kind of leader fights by lying?

Now, it has been proven that millions of ringgit invested by DAP and PAP has burned just like that. Red Bean Army has been exposed. Today, these cyber troopers had to go around places following Anwar to illegal rallies.

Kit Siang, who is wise and who is stupid?

Dilema Timbalan Presiden dan Menteri Besar. Azmin vs Khalid,

Rumah siap tukul berbunyi. Begitulah keadaan dalam Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13. Ketika Kerajaan Pusat dan kerajaan-kerajaan negeri yang diterajui Barisan Nasional serta kerabat PKR sendiri sudah menubuhkan majlis pentadbiran negeri masing-masing, PKR masih bergelut dengan pelbagai karenah politik dalamnya.

Sebagai contoh, di Selangor, Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim terpaksa menangguhkan pengumuman barisan exco yang dijadualkan pada Jumaat lalu. Ini memberi gambaran bahawa masih ada isu berhubung pelantikan Khalid yang masih belum selesai.

Beberapa hari yang lalu sumber PKR sendiri mengkhabarkan bahawa berlaku perdebatan hangat dalam mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Negeri yang mahu Pengerusi Majlis itu, Azmin Ali, dilantik sebagai salah seorang ahli exco kanan.

Desakan itu mengambil kira bahawa di bawah pimpinannya, Azmin telah berjaya mengukuhkan lagi kedudukan Pakatan Rakyat di Selangor. Hasil kerjasama yang dipupuknya dengan PAS dan DAP, Pakatan itu berjaya mengurangkan lagi perwakilan Barisan Nasional daripada 20 kepada hanya 12 sahaja dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri.

Meskipun dalam taburan kerusi baru itu, PKR agak merosot satu kerusi menjadi 14 sahaja tetapi Azmin pernah membetulkan rekod prestasi PKR yang dikatakan “dianiaya” oleh rakan kongsinya PAS. Parti Islam itu telah meletakkan calonnya untuk menyaingi wakil PKR di DUN Kota Damansara dan Semenyih.

Menurut Azmin jika tidak kerana “perbalahan yang tidak perlu” itu, sudah pasti PKR akan menokok bilangan perwakilannya kepada 16 kerusi dan masih mendahului PAS dan DAP yang masing-masing mempunyai 15 kerusi.

Dalam PKR yang mengatur strategi pilihan raya ialah Pengarah Pilihan Rayanya, Azmin Ali. Hasil jerihnya membantu rakan kongsi PKR, terutama PAS untuk menambah perwakilannya dalam Dewan Undangan daripada lapan kepada 15 kerusi.

Lantas pimpinan PKR Negeri Selangor tidak teragak-agak mahu supaya Azmin mengisi kerusi Menteri Besar Selangor. Ini mengundang Azmin untuk memberi ulasan agak pedas apabila mengetahui bahawa pihak pimpinan PKR hanya mengemukakan hanya satu nama pada Istana untuk jawatan berkenaan tanpa berunding dengan wakil-wakil rakyat PKR di Selangor dan pimpinan PKR Negeri.

Ketua Pembangkang, Anwar Ibrahim juga dilihat seakan akur dengan mengatakan sepatutnya proses pelantikan Menteri Besar dirundingi dengan semua pihak berkepentingan dalam parti di Selangor.

Bagaimanapun, dia terpaksa akur setakat itu sahaja. Anwar tidak mahu menolak syor daripada kerabat PKR iaitu DAP dan PAS yang mahu hanya Khalid menduduki kerusi menteri besar.

Kumpulan penggerak PKR Selangor mengesyorkan Azmin menjadi menteri besar memandang keberkesanan pimpinannya di segi politik negeri Selangor.

Pucuk pimpinan PKR malangnya, langsung tidak menimbangkan syor itu kerana “kelihatan seolah sudah ada komitmen dengan PAS dan DAP” sebelum ini.

DAP dan PAS segera mencalonkan Khalid. Yang menjadi persoalan jika benar ada perkiraan awal dibuat di antara ketiga-tiga parti itu, siapakah yang mewakili PKR? Mengapa Azmin sebagai pengerusi pimpinan PKR Selangor tidak dirundingi?

Kedua-dua kerabat itu mahu status quo dikekalkan. Maka hanya nama Khalid dipersembahkan kepada Sultan Selangor. Dan, buat kedua kalinya, peluang Azmin menyerlahkan kemampuannya menjadi pentadbir sebuah negeri paling maju di Malaysia tertutup.

Bagaimanapun mengambil kira Pakatan Rakyat keseluruhannya gagal menawan Putrajaya kesempatan Azmin memperagakan kebolehannya sebagai seorang pemimpin nasional dalam Kabinet negara juga tidak kesampaian. Lantas Majlis Pimpinan Negeri PKR mahu Azmin sekurang-kurangnya dilantik sebagai exco kanan Selangor.

Namun kali ini Khalid sendiri yang keberatan untuk memberi pertimbangan akan permintaan itu. Sekali lagi ia menyerlahkan kemungkinan ada pakatan yang seolah-olah sudah dicapai di antara PKR dan DAP serta PAS berhubung pengagihan kerusi exco negeri.

Sekali lagi persoalannya jika benar demikian siapakah wakil PKR? Adakah ia dibuat oleh pucuk pimpinan parti – Anwar Ibrahim dan isterinya Wan Azizah?

Atau, ini adalah inisiatif Khalid Ibrahim sendiri yang merundingi pemimpin PAS dan DAP bahawa jawatan exco-exco kanan tertentu akan diagihkan kepada wakil kedua-dua parti itu jika beliau (Khalid) dilantik menteri besar?

Selain itu, adakah satu kebetulan pula, awal-awal lagi Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng mengumumkan bahawa bekas Speaker DUN Selangor, Teng Chang Kim dan bekas pemimpin DAP negeri Selangor Ean Yong akan dilantik menjadi exco Selangor sebelum Khalid memasyhurkan barisan exconya?

Khalid khabarnya telah mempersembahkan senarai exconya dan kemudiannya berlepas ke Jerman untuk rawatan kaki. Apabila beliau pulang Khamis depan, majlis angkat sumpah exco akan diadakan.

Sementara itu, barisan pimpinan PKR Selangor akan terus muram mengenangkan betapa mudah parti itu mengikis jasa seseorang ahli dan pemimpinnya demi mengikut pelan yang telah disediakan oleh pucuk pimpinan parti itu “secara bisik-bisik dalam kelambu”

Sunday, 26 May 2013

National Reconciliation....

A project such as national reconciliation would require all our collective cooperation and input. It cannot be accomplished by any one Malaysian acting alone.

1 It’s time to put divisive politics behind us.

Let’s face it: the BN did not face a formidable opposition capable of taking over the government until Anwar surfaced as the leader of Pakatan Rakyat (PR). The Anwar Ibrahim phenomenon itself, ironically, is a Mahathir legacy. We are a different country today.

2 It’s time to stop the pretense and draw the line with Perkasa

Zulkifli Noordin

Najib cannot expect national reconciliation while continuing to allow Umno to tango with Perkasa. The way Umno made way for Datuk Ibrahim Ali in Pasir Mas fooled no one. Let’s face the facts: both Ibrahim and Zulkifli Noordin, who had been thumping their chests over Malay rights, lost in predominantly Malay constituencies. Their results would have been far worse had they stood in mixed constituencies. The message is very clear: Malaysians reject extremist politics, and if Umno wants to lead Malaysia, it should start rejecting the same. After all, it was not the MCA or Gerakan that won the elections but Umno.

3 Stop thinking along racial lines

It’s easy to start talking about a “Chinese tsunami”. But do not forget, the opposition won substantial non-Chinese votes. On the flip side, Chinese Malaysians voted for many non-Chinese opposition candidates, including from PAS.

The support for the opposition seems broad-based, and that is bad news for BN’s future. This is especially in light of the fact that many BN constituencies were won with razor-thin margins. There is a strong tide of dissent and it is not originating from Chinese Malaysians alone. The earlier the BN starts thinking beyond racial lines, the better it is for them in future elections.

4 No, it’s not all about the economy

Since we’re talking about Chinese Malaysians, let’s also talk about what is perceived to be the most important factor for them, i.e. the economy. A strong economy is simply not enough. There is no intention by Chinese Malaysians to usurp political power. Not that I know of, anyway.

But Chinese Malaysians want to be part of the nation-building process. They want to feel that they belong to this country. They don’t have a “homeland” to go home to. This is their home and their future. They are tired of being the bogey to scare Malay Malaysians into submission to Umno. Chinese Malaysians do not like fear-mongering. Umno cannot spout Malay supremacy and entitlements, and call non-Malay Malaysians “pendatang” and still expect Chinese Malaysian support on just the strength of the economy.

5 It’s time for Umno to start building bridges with Chinese Malaysians directly

The MCA and Gerakan have been rejected. If they put their hands to their hearts, they themselves should know why. So, how can Umno win the hearts of Chinese Malaysians? By building bridges directly with them. Don’t go through MCA and Gerakan as intermediaries. Don’t rely on cronies who are more than willing to give a buck to earn a buck. Don’t be duped by tycoons who throw lavish dinners. Chinese Malaysians will attend out of courtesy, or for the meal, but that signifies nothing. Don’t rely on “I love PM” T-shirts given out to college students who are made to wear them. (Clue: If a group of young people turn up in uniform, you can bet your last ringgit that the uniform was compulsory).

Take a leaf from PAS’s books. Chinese Malaysians seem to have lost their fear of PAS, which even fielded a Christian candidate as their own even if he lost by more than 7,000 votes. Why can’t there be a Kelab Penyokong Cina Umno as well? I’m sure this club will very soon attract more effective members than the MCA.

It’s time Malaysians stop the politicking and move on with life. There’s a nation to be built.

Will BN be Opposition in 2018?

What happened to BN is something that is bound to happened under the circumstances. In fact, they could very well have lost the government. Almost everyone who is in touch with the grassroots could see this except, I am afraid those within the BN and especially those who are entrusted to "strategise" for BN were unable to fathom the ground swell of "anti-BN" sentiments caused by various factors.

While I acknowledge that there was a cry for change and it appears unstoppable to BN advisers, I believe that BN could actually have done better IF it had chanced to so some of the things that it was advised to do and it did not do many of the things that it did. Unfortunately, penetrating the "fortress of BN walls" to the Ears that matter is a tough uphill task for those with decency and pride.

Even 3 years before several advices were given to those who were supposedly entrusted to advise the Ears that matter. The advise that there need to be changes in THEIR own mindset BEFORE they can hope to assist BN to retain or improve its strength fell on completely deaf ears. I do not know to this day if the advice ever went to the Ears that matter to this day. I have never been one of those born to wait and ambush the "King or Lord" to kiss his hand and then give him my advice.

Being a Muslim, I find it extremely tough to kneel and bow to another fellow human being, especially one whom I am trying to assist. I would be insulted even more if he thinks his presence alone is a major blessing in my life. But many in UMNO are indebted in this way to the point of selling their souls! Anyway I have digressed.

The think tanks I have been invited to (which I could not repeat my attendance more than once) was to me an immediate failure - it was largely made up of people with like-minded. one track mind founded on past strategies - race, reward, fear, etc. They still do not understand the ground sentiments and ground perceptions. It was very tiring.

They missed a big opportunity and I am prepared to be chastised here for exposing it. They missed the big opportunity to meet up with the key civil society personalities and groups that had been skilfully and secretly arranged for them. They also missed the opportunities to embrace the wave of change but instead treated it as a threat. The advisers to the Ears that matter fatally underestimated the tenacity, sincerity  and passion of these groups and individuals. Instead, they would rather be happily seen with the "NGOs" which are actually them in different clothes - a further insult to the Rakyat's mind.

Pakatan on the other hand readily embraced civil society. Many of the ideas that were given to BN advisers were dismissed as too "youthful" and replaced with very superficially "cool" measures and transparent feudal strategies - " Peasants, here are some silver coins! Kneel and be grateful". This does not work any more. People do not care on which throne you sit any more. They just do not wish to keep sitting on the toilet bowl as it stinks!

I think BN, to date has not changed in its political outlook - it is being sordidly comfortable with its rural base which it does not realise is eroding. Once again please do not dispute me with the JASA, SB and other data - go on the ground yourself. You have been proven wrong twice already - 2008 and now, 2013.

The problem is that BN has become so straight jacketed and not so cool and this makes new ideas very difficult to be a
rticulated to them.

Without saying much in public, I'll say this - if BN continues to think in the way it has been thinking (and it will if it keeps using the same advisers or advisers from the same school of thought), it will definitely be the opposition in parliament in 2018.

BN, you should just learn to be cool - and learn to listen. To be able to listen emphatically, you must get off your high horse.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Khalid Akui Kelemahan Dalam Politik, Menubuhkan ‘Political Liaison’

Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim hari ini mengakui kelemahan tidak bijak dalam berpolitik, justeru  mengumumkan akan menubuhkan satu “political liaison” di dalam pejabat menteri besar.

Walaupun Abdul Khalid dilantik sebagai menteri besar untuk penggal kedua, kontroversi tercetus apabila Timbalan Presiden PKR Azmin Ali difahamkan juga mengintai jawatan penting di negeri terkaya tersebut serta mengkritik secara terbuka Abdul Khalid sebagai seorang kedekut dan tidak pandai berpolitik.

“Rakan-rakan memberitahu saya, salah satu kelemahan Tan Sri adalah kerana tidak pandai dalam permainan politik.

“Untuk itu, saya terima ... saya terima,” kata Abdul Khalid.

Menteri besar negeri Selangor tersebut berkata penubuhan “political liaison” tersebut akan mengendalikan hal ehwal politik dalam negeri dan mereka yang dilantik akan terdiri daripada individu yang pakar dalam lapangan tersebut.

“Saya terima masalah itu dan saya bersetuju untuk mengumumkan pejabat menteri besar akan ada 'political liaison'

selepas ini.

“Ia adalah sebuah pejabat yang akan menempatkan mereka yang benar-benar tahu tentang usaha-usaha perkembangan politik dalam negeri,” katanya lagi.

Menurut Khalid, langkah tersebut diambil bagi memastikan perubahan dilakukan bagi mengukuhkan masa depan PKR dan supaya Pakatan Rakyat (PR) terus dipercayai oleh rakyat yang memilih mereka semasa Pilihan Raya 2013 5 Mei lalu.

“Pelaksaan politik kalau ikut pengurusan yang terlalu kaku, ia tidak memberi peluang untuk membuat beberapa perubahan.

“Politik sentiasa berubah-ubah, jadi perubahan itu perlu bawa kepada kepercayaan yang boleh mengerakkan kita ke depan dengan rakyat,” tambahnya lagi

Dalam perkembangan sama, Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam ucapan penutupnya mengumumkan Setiausaha Agung Datuk Saifuddin Nasution akan diberikan tanggungjawab untuk mengendalikan “political liaison” yang bakal ditubuhkan dalam masa terdekat itu.

Abdul Khalid mengangkat sumpah sebagai menteri besar pada 14 Mei lalu, ia sekali gus menamatkan spekulasi yang sudah berlarutan selama seminggu tentang siapa pemimpin daripada gabungan parti PAS, PKR dan DAP (PR), yang akan mengisi kerusi menteri besar selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13).

Walaubagaimanapun, sebelum Abdul Khalid dilantik sebagai menteri besar, pelbagai kontroversi berlaku di dalam kepimpinan parti PKR terutamanya apabila Azmin mengadakan satu sidang media tergempar dan mengkritik proses perlantikan jawatan itu yang tidak dibuat secara konsensus, malah kepimpinan negeri sendiri tidak mengetahui tentang nama calon.

Abdul Khalid mengangkat sumpah pertama kali sebagai menteri besar pada 13 Mac 2008, empat hari selepas PRU 2008 manakala barisan anggota Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor mengangkat sumpah pada 23 Mac, iaitu 10 hari selepas itu.

Beliau juga merupakan orang pertama dalam kalangan pemimpin pembangkang yang dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor.

Kesemua 13 MB Selangor sebelum ini daripada Umno, parti komponen utama Barisan Nasional (BN).

Pada PRU13, PR memenangi 44 daripada 56 kerusi dewan undangan negeri (DUN) Selangor, meningkat daripada 36 kerusi yang diperoleh pada 2008.

PKR menang 14 kerusi berbanding DAP dan PAS yang masing-masing memperoleh 15 kerusi. Barisan Nasional (BN) pula memenangi 12 kerusi.

Beberapa hari lepas, Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng, Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali menyatakan sokongan mereka kepada Abdul Khalid sebagai Menteri Besar.

Anwar Blames BN For Collapse Of Peace Treaty With Najib

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today accused Barisan Nasional (BN) of breaching several agreed points in an April peace deal brokered by former Indonesian vice-president Jusuf Kalla between him and Datuk Seri Najib Razak (pic).

The Pakatan Rakyat (PR) de facto chief argued that to honour the deal, which stipulated that both sides accept the outcome of Election 2013 regardless which way it swung, there were several key pre-requisites that had to be fulfilled first.

“There were some parameters agreed upon. Number one, ethics in terms of campaigning and conduct of affairs of government so the media in particular is not used to demonise the opposition...this did not happen...”

“Second condition of free and fair elections which means access to media, some of the Bersih’s demands, which was not met,” the PKR de-facto leader told reporters today at the end of the party’s ninth national congress, claiming that electoral fraud has been proven.

“And third, was contingent upon those conditions, our position is that we accept the decision,” the former deputy prime minister added.

Anwar was responding to today’s report on the Wall Street Journal where Jusuf had reportedly accused him of reneging on the peace deal by protesting the polls results.

The renowned international business paper featured interviews with all three parties confirming the secret peace deal, and quoted Jusuf as claiming that he had phoned Anwar a day after the May 5 polls and urged the opposition leader to respect the commitment and “look at reality”.

“We had a commitment,” Jusuf was quoted as saying. “But they said, ‘No, no, no, no.’ ‘‘

But Anwar appeared to indicate today that Jusuf had not actually accused him of breaking the agreement.

“I’ve also sought clarification although from what I’ve got. Jusuf Kalla did not say that. He was trying to make sure the full context was well understood.”

Anwar also said that he had publicly spoken on the issues of ethics in campaigning, free and fair elections, and the peaceful transition of power, saying: “To me, there’s nothing secret about the deal.”

When asked who had started the deal, Anwar said that friends in neighbouring countries — Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines — were concerned about the possibility of a peaceful transition of power in Malaysia.

He then said that someone had taken the initiative to start the deal which he agreed to, although he did not explicitly name the individual.

Anwar said the deal was done without him meeting Najib, saying such a meeting would only be done after he had consulted PR leaders.

“It was in about a month or so before elections. He met me and Datuk Seri Najib separately,” Anwar said earlier on in the press conference, likely referring to Jusuf.

In its report, the WSJ had reported that it was Anwar who approached Jusuf on the agreement two months ago, seeking the latter’s help in securing his opponent’s commitment for a peaceful election outcome.

The deal — that both sides refrain from personal attacks during campaigns and to accept the outcome of the polls — was subsequently made in April.

The two rivals had apparently rejected a clause in the accord to offer the loser a role in a “reconciliation government”, the WSJ wrote.

An adviser to Najib reportedly confirmed the deal, telling the WSJ that Anwar had sought Jusuf’s assistance to secure a mutual agreement to accept the results of the polls peacefully, regardless which way it goes and even in the event of a slim majority.

“The prime minister reiterated privately to Jusuf Kalla and in public before the election that BN would respect the will of the people and accept the election results, even if the opposition wins,” the paper quoted the aide as saying.

According to the paper, Jusuf is known for his role in brokering peace deals during his term as vice-president from 2004 to 2009, having done so in Thailand and Sri Lanka to help resolve conflicts across the Indonesian archipelago.

In the May 5 polls, Najib and the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) was returned to power in Putrajaya after a heated contest that saw Anwar’s Pakatan Rakyat (PR) win the popular vote but lose the polls.

A dissatisfied Anwar and PR have been staging mammoth rallies across the country since the close of the election, insisting that the election had been stolen from them through fraud and widespread cheating.

During one of his rally speeches, Anwar vowed never to surrender until PR claims its rightful place at the helm of Putrajaya.

The 65-year-old Anwar also appears to have put his plans for retirement on hold, and seems determined to fight on.

One of PR’s point of contention is the popular vote, which saw BN scoring just under 48 per cent of the total number of votes cast and PR scoring the majority at 51 per cent.

But the uneven dispersal of votes across various constituencies, which PR has labelled gerrymandering by the BN, had cost them the election as it only snapped up 89 seats to BN’s 133 seats in the 222-seat Parliament despite winning the popular vote.

Apart from the “Black 505” rallies, which have drawn mammoth turnouts all around, PR is also filing formal petitions against the results in 27 constituencies.P

Anwar Broke Treaty With Najib By Protesting Polls Results, Reveals WSJ

Former Indonesian vice-president Jusuf Kalla has accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of reneging on a peace deal to respect the outcome of Election 2013 that he brokered between the opposition leader and Datuk Seri Najib Razak in April.

The Wall Street Journal reported today interviews with all three parties confirming the secret peace deal, and quoted Jusuf as claiming that he had phoned Anwar a day after the May 5 polls and urged the opposition leader to respect the commitment and “look at reality”.

“We had a commitment,” Jusuf was quoted as saying. “But they said, ‘No, no, no, no.’ ‘‘

The renowned international newspaper said that Anwar admitted to making the pact but told the WSJ that his opponents had nullified the deal by the way they ran their campaign.

“How can you talk reconciliation when you demonise your opponent in this manner?” Anwar was quoted as saying.

The WSJ wrote that it was Anwar who had approached Jusuf on the agreement two months ago, seeking the latter’s help in securing his opponent’s commitment for a peaceful election outcome.

The deal — that both sides refrain from personal attacks during campaigns and to accept the outcome of the polls — was subsequently made in April.

The two rivals had apparently rejected a clause in the accord to offer the loser a role in a “reconciliation government”, the WSJ wrote.

An adviser to Najib reportedly confirmed the deal, telling the WSJ that Anwar had sought Jusuf’s assistance to secure a mutual agreement to accept the results of the polls peacefully, regardless which way it goes and even in the event of a slim majority.

“The prime minister reiterated privately to Jusuf Kalla and in public before the election that BN would respect the will of the people and accept the election results, even if the opposition wins,” the paper quoted the aide as saying.

But Anwar’s version of the events surrounding the peace deal appeared to differ.

Quoting Anwar, the WSJ wrote that it was Jusuf who reached out to offer his assistance in ensuring an orderly outcome to the polls.

“There were many friends around the region who were concerned about the transition of power and whether it would be peaceful,” Anwar reportedly said.

According to the paper, Jusuf is known for his role in brokering peace deals during his term as vice-president from 2004 to 2009, having done so in Thailand and Sri Lanka to help resolve conflicts across the Indonesian archipelago.

In the May 5 polls, Najib and the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) was returned to power in Putrajaya after a heated contest that saw Anwar’s Pakatan Rakyat (PR) win the popular vote but lose the polls.

A dissatisfied Anwar and PR have been staging mammoth rallies across the country since the close of the election, insisting that the election had been stolen from them through fraud and widespread cheating.

During one of his rally speeches, Anwar vowed never to surrender until PR claims its rightful place at the helm of Putrajaya.

The 65-year-old Anwar also appears to have put his plans for retirement on hold, and seems determined to fight on.

PR’s point of contention was the popular vote, which saw BN scoring just under 48 per cent of the total number of votes cast and PR scoring the majority at 51 per cent.

But the uneven dispersal of votes across various constituencies, which PR has labelled gerrymandering by the BN, had cost them the election as it only snapped up 89 seats to BN’s 133 seats in the 222-seat Parliament despite winning the popular vote.

Apart from the “Black 505” rallies, which have drawn mammoth turnouts all around, PR is also filing formal petitions against the results in 27 constituencies.

But the WSJ noted that Anwar believed these challenges were unlikely to turn the polls back in favour of his PR.

It added that although Anwar had accused the Najib camp of undermining his campaign with personal attacks, Jusuf did not join the opposition leader in the criticism.

Instead, the Indonesian leader said he felt both sides had met their commitment to refrain from personal attacks during the campaign.

But Jusuf said he fears that a prolonged dispute over the polls results between Anwar and Najib’s camp would only harden existing divisions among factions in Muslim groups and the Chinese and possibly lead to violence.

‘Boikot Produk Cina’ Tidak Menjejaskan Apa-apa – Cina Malaysia

Wakil Dewan Perniagaan Cina dan Melayu, Yeah Kim Leng semalam memberitahu Malaysian Insider bahawa ‘boikot produk Cina’ yang dipromosikan oleh blogger pro-UMNO akan menjejaskan ekonomi Malaysia dan menakutkan pelabur.  Beliau tentunya bercakap tentang kempen ‘boikot barangan Cina pro-DAP’ yang kini sedang merebak di internet.

Kita boleh merujuk kempen ini sebagai kesan sampingan dari keputusan PRU-13 yang menyaksikan penolakan sepenuhnya kaum Cina terhadap parti pemerintah a.k.a kerajaan Melayu.  Dalam kenyataannya, Yeah mendesak Putrajaya agar masuk campur bagi menghentikan kempen boikot tersebut.

Penulis percaya bahawa Yeah sedia maklum bahawa kaum Melayu telah lama bersabar dengan permainan rasis akhbar-akhbar Cina serta lakonan mengada-ngada kaum Cina dalam menangani isu-isu rasis, dengan harapan kaum Cina akan menghargai toleransi mereka.

Bagaimanapun, kaum Cina mengambil sifat toleransi Melayu itu sebagai suntikan dos kepada ego mereka.  Dari situ, keangkuhan kaum Cina yang dipamerkan dalam tragedi 13 Mei kini sekali lagi dipamerkan sepanjang kempen PRU-13.

Hakikatnya, majoriti rakyat sudah muak dengan sikap hipokrasi-sensitif kaum Cina.  Setiap kali mereka diingatkan tentang kontrak sosial, mereka akan menjerit ‘rasis’!.  Setiap kali mereka disoal tentang semangat nasionalis dan patriotik, mereka akan menyalak ‘rasis’!.  Dan apabila Utusan Malaysia bertanyakan apa lagi yang mereka mahu, iaitu satu soalan yang jujur, terus terang dan mudah, akhbar itu dikutuk sebagai ‘ultra-rasis’!

Di masa yang sama, akhbar-akhbar Cina dan ahli politik mereka terus memperhebatkan permainan isu rasis ini sehingga kemuncaknya masyarakat Cina gagal membezakan antara ‘benci Melayu dengan benci Malaysia’.  Maka, hari ini, kita melihat anak-anak Cina memegang bendera Malaysia terbalik – dengan bangga.

Selepas PRU-13, para ektremis Cina ini akhirnya bertemu buku dengan ruas.  Ramai guru-guru dan murid-murid Melayu di sekolah Cina mula memperkatakan tentang pengalaman mereka berhadapan dengan sikap rasis di sekolah.  Ramai lagi yang mula bertanyakan peranan akhbar-akhbar cina yang telah lama menanam sikap prejudis, keraguan dan kebencian terhadap kerajaan yang diterajui Melayu.  Malah, ahli politik Melayu juga sudah mula ‘menyampah’ dengan hipokrasi kaum Cina.

Sudah tiba masanya kita memainkan isu rasis ini secara terbuka.  Sepertimana yang penulis sering katakan pada rakan-rakan penulis, jika kita berurusan dengan seorang rasis, kita tidak punya pilihan selain turut menjadi rasis, atau kita akan ditindas.   Dan itulah yang kaum Cina inginkan sangat, iaitu ‘menindas’.

Jelas, kaum Melayu sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan sikap chauvinis dan angkuh kaum Cina dan mula berkata:  “Jika ingin sangat bermain dengan isu kaum, maka ayuhlah kita main sama-sama”.

Mungkin ada yang menyangka, dari situlah bermulanya kempen boikot barangan Cina ini.

Hakikatnya, ia telah bermula lama dahulu apabila kaum Cina dengan liciknya menyerang dan mengsabotaj semua produk bumiputera.  

Contohnya, apabila seorang taikun Melayu mengambil-alih Gardenia Bekeries (KL) Sdn Bhd tidak lama dahulu kerana bimbang dengan status halal tepung pembuat produk tersebut yang mana bekalannya dimonopoli oleh seorang taikun Cina, masyarakat Cina tidak menunggu lama untuk melancarkan boikot terhadap semua produk Gardenia.

Alasan mereka?  Ia adalah milik kroni UMNO.

Ini adalah cara pemikiran tipikal seorang rasis iaitu, tidak apa bagi Cina untuk memonopoli tetapi tidak boleh bagi Melayu untuk memecah monopoli dan menyediakan persaingan yang sihat kerana ia adalah amalan kronisme; kecuali jika persaingan sihat itu melibatkan seorang Cina juga.   Seperti kata Yeah, ia adalah ‘tidak sihat, kebudak-budakan dan rasis’ bagi Melayu untuk memboikot barangan Cina tetapi ia adalah ‘hak pengguna’ bagi Cina memboikot barangan Melayu.

Permainan rasis kaum Cina di sektor swasta juga merupakan rahsia umum, di mana mereka akan meletakkan ‘mandarin’ sebagai kelayakan dalam iklan-iklan pekerjaan.  Di utara, terutamanya, permainan rasis kaum Cina lebih terbuka di mana syarikat yang diterajui mereka tidak akan memberi peluang yang sama kepada kaum lain untuk maju.  Sesetengahnya pula secara langsung meletakkan skim gaji dwistandard berdasarkan kaum di bawah ‘undang-undang tidak bertulis syarikat’.

Selamanya kaum Cina itu angkuh, memberitahu semua bahawa tiada siapa yang dapat menyentuh mereka kerana mereka mengawal ekonomi.

Mungkin benar bahawa kita tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa dan bahawa kempen boikot barangan Cina ini tidak akan membawa kaum Melayu ke mana-mana.  Justeru, jika ia benar, maka kita percaya Yeah Kim Leng tidak perlu bimbangkan apa-apa.  Lagipun, beliau hanya bimbangkan kaum Cina, bukan begitu?  Dan kaum Cina tidak akan terjejas hanya dengan boikot dari kaum Melayu, bukan begitu?

Kaum Cina telah menyatakan bahawa mereka tidak memerlukan kaum lain, maka kaum lain juga perlu ‘belajar’ untuk tidak memerlukan kaum Cina.   Dan untuk pengetahuan semua, pembelajaran ini telah pun bermula iaitu melalui ‘kempen boikot produk Cina’.