Friday, 19 September 2014

Nombor Plat Yang Dilarang.

Apakah Tujuan Yang Sebenarnya?.

Berapa ramai pemandu kenderaan yang telah maut disebabkan menggunakan plat nombor yang tidak mengikut speksifikasi?
Berapa ramai pemandu kenderaan yang telah dikenakan saman akibat memandu melebihi had  laju yang telah ditetapkan menerusi kamera yang ditempatkan oleh PDRM semasa operasi?
Berapa ratus ribu saman ekor yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak PDRM melalui kamera yang telah dipasang?

Dimana rasionalnya pihak JPJ cuba untuk mengetatkan atau menguatkuasakan undang undang yang sedia ada ini sedangkan tidak ada sebarang kesulitan yang timbul?.
Langkah yang diambil ini bukan sahaja membebankan pengguna malah memberikan keuntungan kepada para peniaga.
Adalah lebih baik sekiranya pihak JPJ dan Kementerian Pengangkutan dapat memikirkan isu lain yang lebih besar seperti mengurangkan kadar kemalangan jalan raya dinegara ini.

Mengapa pengguna yang dijadikan mangsa sedangkan kebanyakkan mereka membeli kenderaan menerusi agen agen jualan yang bertauliah?
Pihak JPJ seharusnya memulakan tindakan penguatkuasaan di kalangan kakitangan mereka terlebih dahulu sebelum diperluaskan kepada orang awam.

Kerajaan seperti sudah ketandusan idea dengan memberikan tumpuan kepada masalah yang lemah dan remeh. Mengapa tidak memberikan keutamaan kepada isu yang lebih besar.?

Oh My Government...

Melayu Mengapa?.

Mengapa Melayu diperlekehkan?
Mengapa Melayu tidak dihormati?

Berkemungkinan mereka mereka ini yang menjadi punca atas segala yang berlaku.

Malaysia Boleh.
Di Malaysia semua boleh janji ada pulus semua lulus.
Ayat biasa yang bukan saja boleh didengar dari mulut rakyat tempatan malah sudah berjangkit kepada warga asing.

Bila maruah dan harga diri boleh dibeli dengan wang ringgit tidak mustahil satu hari nanti negara bakal tergadai.

Cegah sebelum parah.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Safety Tips for free online dating

Online dating or Internet dating are very popular these days. But online dating has the advantages of its own, it's been misused by many and has its own disadvantages too. Online dating is fun and convenient but still one has to be very careful while dating with someone they hardly know. Here are some tips which may help you to be safe in online dating.

Start slow.
While you are starting a new online dating over the internet, watch out for someone who seems to be good and true. Begin your online dating by communication through Emails. Before Emailing any person be sure that your inner instinct is comfortable with the personal ads or online dating profiles. First send a message for the person whom you are interested, Read well and get to know about them through their online dating profile. During the communication through emails watch out for the odd behavior and inconsistencies. Listen to the correspondent's words in email. In Online dating you must listen each and every word carefully. Remember the person whom you corresponds may not be the true man in real. So trust your inner Instincts. If anything makes you uncomfortable walk away from that person for your safety.

Gaurd your personal:
During the online dating process never include your full name, your real email address (if possible create a separate email address for online dating purposes). Don't give any of your personal details like home address, telephone number, work place or any other identifiable information about you. During email communication be careful about your signatures, because they have your personal details. If possible disable them. Stop communicating with the members who are insisting you for these information or trying to trick you to reveal these information. Take time to become comfortable with someone before revealing the personal information. Ask a lot of questions and be sure that the answers are satisfying and without any other second thoughts and meanings.

Caution and common sense.
Careful decisions generally leads to better results in dating, and this is very true with online Dating too. During the initial stages of online dating never trust others and trust yourself. A person will become trustable through constant honorable, fortnight behaviour. You need to test the person and take time for these before you trust the person, and pay careful attention along the way. Be conservative before you trust anyone in online dating. If you think someone lying, it is likely that they are, so act accordingly.

Request a Photo.
A photo will give a good idea about a person's appearance, which may prove is claims. Never trust a person by single picture, try to get more picture of various locations background and poses. If the person comes up with constant excuses then the person has something to hide something from you.
On a overall picture in online dating our safety is in our hands and mind. If our mind is not trusting others then better move to those whom we trust.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

How To Attract Women Online – The Secrets That Took Me A Lifetime To Learn

Think you have to be above average in looks to attract women online?  Guess again. For years I have been teaching men in countries all over the world to successfully meet and date the most beautiful women online, regardless of what they look like, or how much experience they have had with women

In this discussion I am going to explain:
Exactly how attraction works,
The differences between the way men and women experience attraction.
Why men and women experience attraction differently.
Specific examples of exactly how to attract women online.
How does attraction work?

Before we can learn how to create attraction online, we must understand how it works.  What we must understand above all, is that attraction is not a logical choice.

When men and women feel an attraction towards someone else, they don’t sit and logically calculate all the reasons that they feel attracted.  They just know.

Think about the last time you saw a beautiful woman.  Maybe she had nice curves, a great smile, long straight hair, and a nice fit body.  You probably took one look and instantly felt attracted.  It wasn’t a choice.  You just knew, instantly.  This is because the male brain is wired to respond to these types of women.

Attraction is not something we logically sit around and think about.  Nor can we convincesomeone to be attracted by being extremely nice.  Its either felt, or it isn’t.How is attraction different for women?

Women are wired completely differently than men.

Men are extremely visual.  When we see a beautiful face and a curvy body, we are wired to feel an attraction.

Women are not nearly as visual.  This is where we luck out.  Women are mainly attracted to men based on their internal qualities.  When they meet men who have certain personality traits, they feel an instant attraction the same way that we do when we see a beautiful woman.

It isn’t a logical choice.  They just feel it.  It is our job to learn how to demonstrate these qualities online, and make women feel an attraction that they can’t control.  (More on this later)

According to the my research, there are ten basic principles that any man can use to make women feel an attraction that they can’t control, and unlimited ways to apply them online.Why are the male and female brain wired differently?

Hundreds of years of evolution.  Men always stood the best chance of having a fertile baby by mating with women who were healthy looking, had clear skin, wide hips, etc.  In modern times, this translates to beautiful women who are curvy and have great bodies.  Hence, men are mostly visual.

Throughout history women sought men who gave them the best chance to survive.  These were men who were protectors, providers, caretakers etc.  In modern times, this translates to men who are alpha males, have value in society, show ambition, etc.

It all comes down to evolutionary wiring that still has an effect to this day.
You say looks don’t matter, but they must matter a little right?

Looks matter.  They just don’t matter to the extent that most men think they do.  Just about any man can make himself attractive enough by putting together the right wardrobe, facial hair, and haircut.
Looks matter more in the sense that we have to look presentable enough for women to take us around family and friends (social approval).  If we can accomplish this, demonstrating the right internal qualities will make up for the shortcomings we may have with the looks we are born with.

Just look at all the beautiful women in society who are with guys that aren’t exactly handsome.  These men have tapped into the other areas of attraction, whether they realize it or not.
This all makes a lot of sense, but how to I translate this into learning how to attract women online?

Now that we understand how attraction works, we can easily use this knowledge to learn how to attract women online.

We already learned that there are ten basic ways to make any woman feel attraction.  Once learning what these methods are, attracting women online is easy.

All we have to do is take them, and infuse them into our written profiles, emails, and photo galleries in as many ways as we possible can.  There are literally unlimited ways to do so, .Let’s take a look at an example of how to attract women online with excellent profile writing:

Suppose I want to write what I do for a living.  If I were to write,

“I work in sales and love my job,”

I have just bored the reader of my profile to death. This statement does nothing to stand out from the hundreds of other men competing for my girl.  She will likely move right on to the next profile.

Now let’s change this sentence by using an understanding of how attraction works:
Original statement:

“I work in sales and love my job.”

New statement:

“Most days of the week you will find me competing for the top sales records in my department.  Not only do I get to pursue my passion for a living, but I also get to lead, help others, and meet interesting people every day.  What could possibly be better?  Well, aside from a date with me.  Wink, Wink.”

Now I have taken the the previous sentence, and infused attraction builders by showing ambition, leadership, alpha male qualities, humor, and social value (just to name a few).  And this is only one sentence. Imagine the power that writing every line of your profiles and emails with such attention to detail can have.

This is why the online dating help that The REAL Online Game provides has a success rate of over 99%.


It is important to understand that if we don’t learn the art of attracting women online by understanding the principles of attraction, then women will judge us based solely on what we look like.  A profile filled with boring questions, cliches, and statements, leave women with no choice but to be shallow.  Its not their fault.

But if we do learn how to attract women online the right way, we will make them feel an attraction that they can’t control, because let’s face it, attraction isn’t a choice, and you can’t fight science.

Monday, 12 May 2014

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind

These questions have no right or wrong answers.
Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer.

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

Which is worse, failing or never trying?

If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Would you break the law to save a loved one?

Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back?

Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

Why are you, you?

Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

What are you most grateful for?

Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

Has your greatest fear ever come true?

Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now?

What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special?

At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

If not now, then when?

If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?

Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that?

Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

Thursday, 8 May 2014

By Martha Beck

In the past 10 years, I’ve realized that our culture is rife with ideas that actually inhibit joy. Here are some of the things I’m most grateful to have unlearned:

1. Problems are bad. You spent your school years solving arbitrary problems imposed by boring authority figures. You learned that problems — comment se dit? — suck. But people without real problems go mad and invent things like base jumping and wedding planning. Real problems are wonderful, each carrying the seeds of its own solution. Job burnout? It’s steering you toward your perfect career. An awful relationship? It’s teaching you what love means. Confusing tax forms? They’re suggesting you hire an accountant, so you can focus on more interesting tasks, such as flossing. Finding the solution to each problem is what gives life its gusto.

2. It’s important to stay happy. Solving a knotty problem can help us be happy, but we don’t have to be happy to feel good. If that sounds crazy, try this: Focus on something that makes you miserable. Then think, “I must stay happy!” Stressful, isn’t it? Now say, “It’s okay to be as sad as I need to be.” This kind of permission to feel as we feel — not continuous happiness — is the foundation of well-being
3. I’m irreparably damaged by my past. Painful events leave scars, true, but it turns out they’re largely erasable. Jill Bolte Taylor, the neuroanatomist who had a stroke that obliterated her memory, described the event as losing “37 years of emotional baggage.” Taylor rebuilt her own brain, minus the drama. Now it appears we can all effect a similar shift, without having to endure a brain hemorrhage. The very thing you’re doing at this moment — questioning habitual thoughts — is enough to begin off-loading old patterns. For example, take an issue that’s been worrying you (“I’ve got to work harder!”) and think of three reasons that belief may be wrong. Your brain will begin to let it go. Taylor found this thought-loss euphoric. You will, too.

4. Working hard leads to success. Baby mammals, including humans, learn by playing, which is why “the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.” Boys who’d spent years strategizing for fun gained instinctive skills to handle real-world situations. So play as you did in childhood, with all-out absorption. Watch for ways your childhood playing skills can solve a problem (see #1). Play, not work, is the key to success. While we’re on the subject…

5. Success is the opposite of failure. Fact: From quitting smoking to skiing, we succeed to the degree we try, fail, and learn. Studies show that people who worry about mistakes shut down, but those who are relaxed about doing badly soon learn to do well. Success is built on failure.

 6. It matters what people think of me. “But if I fail,” you may protest, “people will think badly of me!” This dreaded fate causes despair, suicide, homicide. I realized this when I read blatant lies about myself on the Internet. When I bewailed this to a friend, she said, “Wow, you have some painful fantasies about other people’s fantasies about you.” Yup, my anguish came from my hypothesis that other people’s hypothetical hypotheses about me mattered. Ridiculous! Right now, imagine what you’d do if it absolutely didn’t matter what people thought of you. Got it? Good. Never go back.

7. We should think rationally about our decisions. Your rational capacities are far newer and more error-prone than your deeper, “animal” brain. Often complex problems are best solved by thinking like an animal. Consider a choice you have to make — anything from which movie to see to which house to buy. Instead of weighing pros and cons intellectually, notice your physical response to each option. Pay attention to when your body tenses or relaxes. And speaking of bodies…

8. The pretty girls get all the good stuff. Oh, God. So not true. I unlearned this after years of coaching beautiful clients. Yes, these lovelies get preferential treatment in most life scenarios, but there’s a catch: While everyone’s looking at them, virtually no one sees them. Almost every gorgeous client had a husband who’d married her breasts and jawline without ever noticing her soul.

9. If all my wishes came true right now, life would be perfect. Check it out: People who have what you want are all over rehab clinics, divorce courts, and jails. That’s because good fortune has side effects, just like medications advertised on TV. Basically, any external thing we depend on to make us feel good has the power to make us feel bad. Weirdly, when you’ve stopped depending on tangible rewards, they often materialize. To attract something you want, become as joyful as you think that thing would make you. The joy, not the thing, is the point.

10. Loss is terrible. Ten years ago I still feared loss enough to abandon myself in order to keep things stable. I’d smile when I was sad, pretend to like people who appalled me. What I now know is that losses aren’t cataclysmic if they teach the heart and soul their natural cycle of breaking and healing. A real tragedy? That’s the loss of the heart and soul themselves. If you’ve abandoned yourself in the effort to keep anyone or anything else, unlearn that pattern. Live your truth, losses be damned. Just like that, your heart and soul will return home.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Driven round the bend

                       Malaysian motorists are very good at multi-tasking

Malaysian drivers have been rated as the worst in the region and we enjoy killing ourselves on the roads, with fatalities of up to 7,000 a year.

IF you think Malaysian politicians are untrustworthy, unreliable and dangerous, then you haven’t met Malaysian motorists.

Talking to me? Yes! We have been rated as the worst in the region and we enjoy killing ourselves on the roads, with fatalities of up to 7,000 a year.

We are not sure if this is the result of driving schools simply churning out inadequately trained drivers or the authorities dishing out kopi lesen for the right price. But for sure, Malaysian drivers are pretty peculiar, so to speak. Here are 10 offences you must know about us.

Offence No 1: Foreigners – especially the high-income ones who call themselves expatriates to distinguish themselves from the low-paying foreigners – must understand that mamak restaurant owners are the kings of parking lots.

Yes, you read it right. No one can park their vehicle outside their restaurants. It’s only reserved for their tables and stools, especially in the evenings.

So please do not think that because you are an expat, wah, you can complain about Malaysia. Even we Malaysians keep quiet.

Don’t ask why municipal council enforcement officers are not acting. You think they’ve got no work to do, ah? Tearing down “rocket and volcano massage” posters already take up all their time, okay?

Offence No 2: When we drive into a shopping mall, we fight to park near the entrance. That’s because most of us are too lazy to walk. We may insist on the need to exercise daily to keep ourselves fit but when it comes to parking at the mall, it must always be at the spot nearest to the lift! Can’t you just park right in front of the entrance? Ah Boy, we need to walk very far if we park too far.

Not only that. Now, Malaysia is not safe any more. I don’t want to be robbed or raped while walking to the car, okay Ah Boy. These foreign security guards all useless ones, ask them where is the toilet also they don’t know. You trust them, ah, all so skinny ones, how to protect us? Come, come, park near the entrance. Pusing a few rounds lah, if don’t have!

Offence No 3: Malaysia must be the only country in the world where, after spending millions of ringgit to build stretches of beautiful roads, we immediately build humps every few metres away from each other! This is absolutely mind boggling but, hey, this is Malaysia. We do things our way, okay? Why ask so much, jealous of our success in humping, ah? Sorry, I mean, we love humps.

Offence No 4: Malaysian motorists are very good at multi-tasking. We can do many job functions at one time while driving. We can text, SMS or whatsapp while driving or even while riding our bikes. This is already an acceptable thing. No longer a skill, okay?

Of course, yakking away and driving at 20kph, ignoring the honking behind us, is also already an entrenched culture: Itu sudah jadi biasa lah bro, bukan news lagi lah. (That’s already normal, no longer news.)

While on the wheel, some of us play with the baby or pet dog, too. I told you what, Malaysians can do anything one.

Offence No 5: If you have seen how human beings can turn into super heroes in the movies, such Transformer actions also happen in Malaysia. A simple, mild-mannered, friendly and helpful person whom you think you’ve known all your life can turn into a reckless, bad-mouthing road devil once he or she takes control of the wheel.

Seriously, Malaysian drivers can be the subject of a doctoral thesis. Just look at the changing mood of Malaysian drivers when they push the pedal. From honking at the vehicles in front of them for no apparent reason to giving ugly stares as they pass by another motorist, their behaviour is such that no one is safe on the road in Malaysia.

Offence No 6: The red light at traffic junctions is only meant for cars, not for motor bikes. Nope, we are not kidding. Come on, lah macha (brother in Tamil). Where do you find motorcylists stopping at junctions? Who taught you to stop? Your driving instructors, who offered you the “guaranteed pass kopi duit” package, ah?

Stop arguing, okay? Red lights are not for motorcyclists. It’s for Malaysians who can afford to buy cars. Yes, that was an election pledge – if that makes you happy.

Offence No 7: Demerit points? I don’t think any of us have come across any Malaysian who has been penalised for breaking traffic rules and collecting demerit points that could lead to our licences being suspended. Got, meh?

In fact, most of us probably do not even recall the much publicised but fully dormant Kejara demerit system.

Before the Automated Enforcement System (AES) could even be implemented – that would have ensured the points could automatically be deducted – the system itself was prematurely suspended.

The Road Transport Department said last December that the AES would be revived in January. Well, we are already in March now.

And in the best Malaysian tradition of “announce first, then call for review and then scrap it”, which our Malaysian leaders are well known for, this one is also going for a record – the Kejara demerit system was introduced in 1984 and 30 years later, we are still at the kami sedang mengkaji (we are still studying) stage.

Offence No 8: According to statistics, traffic fines paid by motorists in Malaysia come up to RM10mil every year! That’s amazing. That’s almost the gross domestic product (GDP) of some African nation! Malaysia Memang Boleh.

The RM10mil does not even include the “So, macam mana selesai? (So, how do we settle?)” penalties involving crooked traffic cops.

Bernama reported that according to the Kuala Lumpur Police, 22,054 traffic summonses were issued between January and September of 2012. A total of 33,836 traffic summonses were issued in 2010, amounting to RM10.5mil! We are really a “fine” country!

Offence No 9: No wonder all the betting shops are doing well. It has become almost an automatic reaction that the minute we see an accident, all of us whip out our cameraphones – the first picture goes to Instagram and Facebook, a video that must go viral if the motorists are fighting each other. If it’s of different races, better still, it’s got a racial twist, even if the feuding motorists don’t think that way. And for the uncle: Oi, Ah Boy, you saw the number plate of the car or not? Sure you got the right number, ah? Okay, call Robert fast. Place the bets! Yes, big and small!

Offence No 10: And finally, on behalf of the confused and dangerous Malaysian motorists, we wish to extend our deepest appreciation to Polis DiRaja Malaysia for continuously understanding all of us, despite our many traffic offences.

We will continue not to pay our traffic summons until the yearly discounts are given, as PDRM has continuously done so year in and year out.

We are proud that this is the only country in the world where discounts and rewards are given for late payment of traffic summonses.

Please do not let the jealous foreigners and international media stop you from conducting this yearly discount scheme. Yes, we will continue scheming ... oops, we mean we will continue supporting this discount scheme.

Salam 1Malaysia!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Tentera Darat: Gah di tanah air dan luar negara

Berbekalkan slogan baharu “Tentera Darat Teguh Siaga, ATM Gah, ATM Perkasa”, Tentera Darat (TD) yang menyambut ulang tahun ke-81, giat merencanakan dasar, perancangan strategik dan operasi yang bertepatan dengan keperluan pengoperasian.

Sebagai satu daripada cabang utama Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), TD sentiasa melengkapkan usaha itu dengan amalan triologi 3M iaitu Manusia, Mesin dan Metod (Kaedah).

Menurut Panglimanya Jeneral Datuk Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor, 3M bermaksud TD akan sentiasa meningkatkan kualiti sumber manusia atau anggota meliputi pengetahuan, kemahiran, tingkah laku dan kompetensi.

Dua lagi elemen ialah menjamin kelangsungan dengan peningkatan perkakasan/peralatan serta mewujud dan memperkasakan pelan-pelan bersesuaian bagi memastikan pasukan sentiasa relevan dengan keadaan semasa dan masa hadapan, katanya.

“Gabungan ketiga-tiga elemen tersebut jika ditambah dengan tahap kesiagaan tinggi, membolehkan TD mengunjurkan kuasa pada masa, tempat dan tujuan yang betul.

“Lagipun ia memang selari dengan visi kita untuk menjamin kelangsungan transformasi pasukan ATM,” katanya dalam wawancara khas sempena sambutan ulang tahun ke-81 Tentera Darat di Wisma Pertahanan di sini baru-baru ini.

Menurut beliau, peranan TD sebagai sebahagian daripada ATM selama ini bukan kecil malah ketumbukan ini merupakan nadi utama kepada ATM.

Buktinya, ia telah melalui pelbagai episod mencabar antaranya merasai pengalaman pembabitan dalam zaman Perang Dunia Kedua, zaman Darurat pertama dan kedua Malaysia, zaman Konfrontasi Indonesia-Malaysia pada 1963 dan membantu Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dalam Ops Daulat di Lahad Datu, Sabah pada 12 Feb tahun lepas.

Ops Daulat dilancarkan bagi menangani kumpulan pengganas dari Selatan Filipina yang menceroboh Kampung Tanduo, kira-kira 130 kilometer dari bandar Lahad Datu.

Pencerobohan tersebut menyaksikan lapan anggota polis dan dua anggota tentera terkorban, 68 pengganas berjaya ditembak mati, 173 orang ditahan mengikut Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012 (Sosma) serta 443 lagi atas pelbagai kesalahan lain.

“Kita ingat selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, dunia akan menjadi lebih aman tetapi sebenarnya tidak…kerana pada waktu tersebut beberapa negara terlibat dalam kancah peperangan saudara terutama di negara-negara Afrika.

“Jadi pada waktu itu…menjadi retetan sejarah TD, di mana kita secara total terlibat dalam misi-misi pengaman Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB),” katanya.

Raja Mohamed Affandi berkata dalam misi pengaman itu, TD telah diberikan banyak pengiktirafan tertinggi termasuk dari negara luar atas sumbangan menghantar pasukan bantuan terutama pasukan perubatan ke bumi bergolak seperti di Somalia, Bosnia, Lebanon dan Afghanistan.

“Justeru jika dilihat keseluruhan, TD telah meninggalkan banyak kesan dan nama di serata tempat, baik di Eropah, Asia dan tanah air sendiri dan perkara itu harus dibanggakan,” kata beliau.

Mengenai perancangan untuk menguatkan mobiliti pasukan TD dengan pembelian peralatan baharu, katanya itu bukan keutamaan masa ini kerana perlu mengambil kira kekangan dan kemampuan bajet yang ada pada TD.

“Atas dasar itu, saya hanya meletakkan tumpuan terhadap usaha memastikan peralatan sedia ada berada dalam keadaan baik supaya tahap kesiapsiagaan kita kukuh, sekali gus memungkinkan kita bertindak secepat mungkin sekiranya berlaku apa-apa,” kata Raja Mohamed Affandi.

Mengenai sambutan ulang tahun TD , beliau berkata ia disambut di Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan dan antara acara yang disusun adalah perbarisan Hari Tentera Darat yang  berlangsung mulai 8 pagi di Padang Kawad Pusat Latihan Asas Tentera Darat (PUSASDA).

Pada hari kedua sambutan di Pantai Saujana Batu 4, Port Dickson, akan diadakan demonstrasi keupayaan TD, perbarisan memperingati setahun kejadian pencerobohan di Lahad Datu dan acara derma darah, katanya.

A legacy of leadership

HE was only 27 when he was sworn in as a State minister of Sarawak on July 22, 1963.

For the next 50 years, with 13 years as Federal Minister and 33 years as Chief Minister, he lived up to his own unique legacy – by being a leader with responsibility, wisdom and vision doing something significant that charted the path of the nation, especially Sarawak, to development.

Abdul Taib Mahmud was born into an aristocratic family on May 21, 1936 in Miri.

He won a Colombo Plan Scholarship to study law in the University of Adelaide, Australia. Upon graduation, he declined the offer to be on the bench as a judge but chose to return to Sarawak to serve as a Public Prosecutor. He brought back with him a barrister’s degree and a young beautiful Australian wife of Turkish descent.

Sarawak then was an economic backwater. Its longest road was a stretch of dirt road from Kuching outwards, schools were ramshackle and the children went to school barefoot, with 5,000 village and longhouses scattered all over the state with virtually no infrastructure.

The task of development was almost impossible, not even the British could do so with their over 100 years of colonial rule.

FRIM Under Highway Threat

                                             Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod

KUALA LUMPUR: The largest and oldest man-made tropical forest in the world is under threat by a proposal to build an elevated highway across it, said Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) director-general, Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod on Saturday.

“We will fight to the end against such a move, which is detrimental for the many endangered plant species within the grounds.

“If this buffer zone for endangered plant species is damaged, where else can we keep them? FRIM is a national and natural heritage and any threat to it must be fought,” he told reporters after a media appreciation ceremony on Saturday.

Dr Abd Latif said the issue first arose when he was approached by a group, whom he declined to name, in February last year, suggesting that FRIM be “split in half” for the highway construction.

He said that this could be because FRIM, which spans 544.3ha, was under single ownership after receiving its freehold land title from the Selangor government in 2007, making it easier for negotiations.

“But they forget that FRIM is now under Selangor and not Kuala Lumpur. Selangor is a state that does not allow logging because it depends on business and commercial activities (for income),” he said.

Dr Abd Latif said they had assumed the proposal was set aside after FRIM handed the group a petition which showed 99% of its personnel were against the plan.

However, he said he was informed earlier this week that the proposal had now been taken to “higher authorities”.

Dr Abd Latif also thanked the media for constantly providing public awareness on environmental issues as well as highlighting FRIM’s work.

“Many of the awards we have received is mainly due to the media exposure given to us. The value and impact of your reports have helped FRIM maintain our position as a tropical forest research institute that is known worldwide,” he said.

Among the media recognised by FRIM were The Star journalists Tan Cheng Li and Isabelle Lai for their respective reports last year on Merapoh, Pahang and Gunung Kanthan, Perak, as well as StarMetro section for its support for FRIM activities.

FRIM’s Kepong campus, renowned for being a model of successful reforestation, was established in the 1920s and recognised as a natural heritage in 2009 and national heritage in 2011.

It is working to attain Unesco World Heritage Status by 2017.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Kisah Nabi Ismail as..

Dari Sebahagian Sejarah Nabi Ismail as:
"... Walauppun Ismail sudah menjadi orang yang dewasa dan telah berkeluarga, nabi Ibrahim, ayahnya tidak lupa mengunjunginya dan menjenguknya sekali-sekala bila ia sudah rindu kepada puteranya. Pada suatu ketika, dalam kunjungannya ke Makkah,datanglah Nabi Ibrahim menjenguk Ismail di rumahnya, tetapi ia hanya dapat bertemu dengan isterinya, kerana Ismail pada masa itu tidak ada di rumah. Dalam percakapan dan atas pertanyaan Nabi Ibrahim, isteri Nabi Ismail berkeluh-kesah tentang keadaan rumahtangganya dan kehidupan sehari-hari yang miskin, sehingga ia tidak dapat menjamu tuanya itu dengan sesuatu hidangan.

Nabi Ibrahim lalu meminta dan berpesan kepada anak menantunya, isteri Ismail, agar menyampaikan salamnya kepada Ismail, suaminya, dengan disertai nasihat supaya ambang pintu rumahnya perlu diubah dan diganti.

Selepas itu Nabi Ibrahim beredar dari situ. Sejurus kemudian, Nabi Ismail pulang ke rumah dengan hati gembira kerana dia menganggap tiada perkara tidak diingini berlaku sepanjang ketiadaannya di rumah. Nabi Ismail bertanya isterinya: “Apakah ada orang datang menemui kamu?“Isterinya berkata: “Ya, ada orang tua kunjungi kita.” Ismail berkata: “Apakah dia mewasiatkan sesuatu kepadamu?“ Isterinya berkata: “Ya, dia menyuruhku menyampaikan salam kepadamu dan memintaku mengatakan kepadamu supaya menggantikan pintumu.” Nabi Ismail segera mengetahui bahawa tamu tua itu adalah ayahnya sendiri, Nabi Ibrahim, dan maksud nasihat itu ialah agar ia menceraikan isterinya. Nasihat itu segera dilaksanakan oleh Nabi Ismail.
Ismail berkata: “Dia adalah bapaku. Sesungguhnya dia menyuruhku supaya menceraikanmu, maka kembalilah kepada keluargamu.”

Selepas menceraikan isterinya, Nabi Ismail berkahwin lain, kali ini dengan seorang lagi wanita daripada kaum Jurhum. Isteri baru itu mendapat keredaan bapanya kerana pandai menghormati tetamu, tidak menceritakan perkara yang menjatuhkan maruah suami dan bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah. Ismail hidup bersama isteri barunya itu hingga melahirkan beberapa anak. Nabi Ismail mempunyai 12 anak lelaki dan seorang anak perempuan yang dikahwinkan dengan anak saudaranya, iaitu Al-’Ish bin Ishak. Daripada keturunan Nabi Ismail lahir Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Keturunan Nabi Ismail juga mewujudkan bangsa Arab Musta’ribah. "

Kisah ini mencerminkan sifat seorg bapa yg mengambil berat pd kehidupan anaknya demi kebaikan didunia dan akhirat, sifat isteri yg tidak bersyukur dan menceritakn aib suami pd org lain dan ketaatan dan keyakinan seorg anak kpd nasihat bapanya atau org tuanya.

Soal percintaan antara Nabi Ismail dan Isterinya ini tidak dijelaskan secara terperinci tetapi tetap dapat dikupas dgn kajian yg khusus. Pertama, Nabi Ismail dan isterinya hidup sederhana dan tidak mempunyai masalah atau kesusahan dimata masyarakat diwaktu itu. Nabi Ismail adalah org2 yg disegani antara suku dan telaga Zam-Zam adalah atas penjagaan keluarga beliau. Berkahwinnya beliau dgn gadis dari suku lain ini telah menkukuhkan silaturahim dan kesejahteraan antara kaum. Nabi Ismail juga memang dari mula telah jatuh hati pd isterinya sebelum melamarnya.

Namun begitu darjatnya keluarga Nabi Ismail, hanya Isteri beliau saja yg merasa bahwa kehidupan mereka itu sepatutnya boleh lebih lagi baik dan senang dan bukan secara dalam kesederhaan sahaja. Kerana isterinya menyayangi suaminya dan pula masyarakat menghormati mereka, isterinya terus menyimpan perasaan itu dan tidak meluahkan pd sesiapa yg dikenali ataupun pd sesiapa yg mengenali mereka dikalangan kaum mereka.

Setibanya Nabi Ibrahim ke rumah Nabi Ismail, Nabi Ismail tiada dan isteri beliau lah yg menyambutnya. Isteri Nabi Ismail menyangka bahwa tetamu yg datang dari jauh ini mempunyai hajat utk meminta pertolongan atau membuka peluang dagangan dgn suaminya. Isterinya tidak mengetahui dan mengenali Nabi Ibrahim sebagai bapa mertuanya kerana mereka tidak pernah bertemu sebelum ini. Memandangkan Nabi Ibrahim adalah org asing disitu dan berkemunkinan org asing ini telah bnyk mendengar berita baik sang suaminya hingga telah sampai datang kerumahnya dgn hajat tertentu, isteri Nabi Ismail pun merasa ingin meluahkan sedikit kebenaran akan status dan keadaan sebenar keluarganya dan suaminya. Kerana niat ingin menutup malu pd tidak mampunya utk sediakan tetamu sedikit jamuan dan dgn keadaan dlm rumahnya yg tidak kemas rapi. Isterinya juga bimbang akan kebingunggan tetamunya yg telah beranggapan bahwa keluarganya senang dan kaya seperti mana berita2 dan ceritaan mulut org waktu itu. Sebenarnya, tidaklah miskin dan susah sangat keluarga Nabi Ismail itu akan tetapi hanya isterinya saja yg tidak rasa mencukupi dan tidak pandai mengatur dan mengurus urusan rumahtangga beliau. Isteri itu pun mula bercerita dan makin bercerita makinlah dia membuka aib keluarga dan suaminya itu. Sebagai pelajaran, sepantutnya isteri2 hanya cukup utk meminta maaf kpd tetamu yg datang itu dgn memberitahu tidak mempunyai air manisan atau apa2 jamuan yg boleh hidangkan pd waktu itu dan tidak perlu baginya utk memperjelaskan akan kenapanya rumahnya tidak mampu menghidangkan itu semua. Bagi tetamu yg sopan, dia akan berterima kasih dan bersyukur jika diberikan hanya air putih saja. Jadi tidak perlulah isteri mula memberi alasan, baik ianya benar atau dgn berbohong atau apakah lagi memberitahu yg wang mereka sudah kehabisan hingga tk mampu beli barang2 itu atau mengata gaji suaminya kecil, nafkah tidak tak diberi atau tidak mencukupi dan sebagainya.

Setelah Nabi Ibrahim mendengar lelahan anak menantunya itu, maka jelaslah akan Nabi Ibrahim akan kenapa rumahtangga anak beliau dalam keadaan sebegitu rupa. Punca masalahnya adalah pd anak menantunya sedangkan anaknya Nabi Ismail memang penyabar lagi redha menerima segala kekuranga pd isterinya hingga tidak ternampak dan ketahui akan keburukan yg bersangkutan dgn kebahagian masa hadapan dlm segi dunia, zuriat, amalan dan akirat. Perkara itu juga ada bersangkutan dgn kenapa Nabi Ismail belum mempunyai cahaya mata selepas kian berkahwin dgn isterinya. Nabi Ibrahim menyimpulkan hati utk meninggalkn pesan utk anaknya supaya mencari isteri yg lebih baik. Tetapi disini Nabi Ibrahim tidak bercakap secara terus terang tetapi hanya memberi kiasan dgn mengunakan bingkai pintu rumah anaknya sebagai isteri anaknya.

Mengikut pelajaran disini, dikecualikan pd kisah ini dan melainkan kita ini nabi dan bapa kepada anak yg nabi juga, kita tidak digalakkan utk mencampuri urusan rumahtangga org agar mereka bercerai, terlebih lagi kalau bukan dari ahli keluarga kita yg dekat . Walaupun firasat, ilmu dan pengalaman diri ingin mereka selamat dan bahagia dan jalan keluarnya adalah dgn perpisahan, kita harus berlapis dan berkias dlm lisan. Penerima kata2 dan nasihat dari kita itu sendiri yg akan buat penilaian dan tafsir pd kata2 itu. Perkataan yg langsung terlepas dan kesat akan meninggalkan kesan pd hati dan jika mereka berubah dan berbaik semula, alangkah malunya kita dgn kata2 kita yg tidak bertanggung jawab. Jika lagi kalau kita dituduh sebagai punca kegagalan dan penceraian rumahtangga mereka, bukankah kata2 itu yg dipertengahkan.

Kembali pada kisah ini, Allah tidak mengizinkan pertemuan Nabi Ibrahim dan anaknya Nabi Ismail. Dengan itu, tiadalah unsur2 wajah muka dan nada suara dari bapanya yg Nabi Ismail dapatkan sebagai menunjukkn pesanan itu adalah sebenarnya isteri beliau yg hendak digantikn dan tidaklah pula Nabi Ismail dapat meneka atau membaca isi hati bapanya apabila dikatakan perkataan kiasan itu. Nabi Ismail hanya sekadar mendengar dari mulut isterinya sahaja dan jika diambil pesanan itu secara dasar, memang pintu bingkai rumahnya boleh dipergantikan walaupun ia masih baik dan apatah lagi jika bingai itu memang sudah raput. Keistimewaan Nabi Ismail disini adalah beliau dapat faham akan kata dan kelakuan bapanya. Itulah keistemewaan yg ada antara pasangan bapak dan anak ini dari Nabi Ismail kecil lagi. Kerana mengerti akan kenapa bapanya harus mengingggalkan beliau dan ibunya waktu beliau kecil dan tugas2 dan urusan2 bapanya yg sukar difahami org. Nabi Ismail tidak pernah menyalahi bapanya dgn ketiadaan bapanya sepanjang beliau membesar. Nabi Ismail adalah org yg sangat redha dan bersyukur sentiasa. Dengan ini maka kefahamannya hati pd kata2 pesanan bapanya telah pun ditafsirkan dgn tepat. Adapun sejarah mengatakan Nabi Ibrahim menjatuhkan perintah pd perlaksanaan pesannya itu dan ada yg mengatakan bahwa ianya sekadar nasihat pd Nabi Ismail saja, tapi bagaimana pun, jika itulah yg dikatakan oleh bapanya sendiri dan walaupun ia bersifat nasihat atau perintah, jika sedemikian hasrat hati bapanya yg telah menyampai pesanan sebegitu, sudah tentu ia membawa hikmah dan kebaikan utk dirinya dan keturunanya yg akan datang. Semoga hidupnya diberkati walaupun pahit melanda, ia adalah kerana beliau pantuh, pd bapanya dan yakin bahwa bapanya inginkan berbaik buat anaknya. Jesteru, dengan rela hati tanpa ragu dan kesal, Nabi Ismail menceraikan isterinya dgn secara baik dan memulangkan dia kepada keluarganya kembali.

Bila Bahan Buangan Menjadi Taruhan.

Satu situasi yang sedang berlaku dan sungguh memalukan bagi negara yang bakal menjadi negara maju pada tahun 2020. Adakah sikap begini masih dan perlu dikekalkan dan dibiarkan berlaku?

Melalui gambar ini kita boleh melihat :

1 ) sikap terpuji pekerja yang setia dan patuh menuruti kehendak majikan.
2 ) sikap tamak majikan yang tidak memikirkan keselamatan pekerja.
3 ) sikap lepas tangan PBT yang tidak mengawasi cara pelaksana kontrak.
4 ) sikap lemah dalam penguatkuasaan undang undang dari pihak berkuasa.

Ini bukanlah satu pemandangan baru tetapi sudah menjadi satu budaya atau keadah yang dilakukan oleh para kontraktor untuk memastikan dapat menyelesaikan tugas pemungutan sampah yang diberikan oleh PBT.





Kelebihan Teh Hijau.

Eggs Are Terrific.

Eggs are terrific for keeping the skin clear due to many of the great nutrients in them. These nutrients include protein and zinc along with vitamins A, D, and E. The yolk is the best part of the egg for healthy and clear skin

Mengapa Hawa Tercipta Ketika Adam Tidur

Seorang laki-laki jika dia kesakitan, maka dia akan membenci. Sebaliknya wanita, saat dia kesakitan, maka semakin bertambah sayang dan cintanya,, Seandainya Hawa diciptakan dari Adam As saat Adam terjaga, pastilah Adam akan merasakan sakit keluarnya Hawa dari sulbinya, hingga dia membenci Hawa. Akan tetapi Hawa diciptakan dari Adam saat dia tertidur, agar Adam... tidak merasakan sakit dan tidak membenci Hawa.

Sementara seorang wanita akan melahirkan dalam keadaan terjaga, melihat kematian dihadapannya, namun semakin sayang dan cinta nya kepada anak yang dilahirkan bahkan ia akan menebusnya dengan kehidupannya.

Sesungguhnya Allah menciptakan Hawa dari tulang rusuk yang bengkok yang tugasnya adalah melindungi Qalbu(jantung, hati nurani). Oleh karena itu, tugas Hawa adalah menjaga qalbu. Kemudian Allah menjadikan nya bengkok untuk melindungi qalbu dari sisi yang kedua.

Sementara Adam diciptakan dari tanah, dia akan menjadi petani, tukang batu, tukang besi, dan tukang kayu. Wanita selalu berinteraksi dengan perasaaan, dengan hati, dan wanita akan menjadi seorang ibu yang penuh kasih sayang, seorang saudari yang penyayang, seorang putri yang manja, dan seorang istri yang penurut.Dan wajib bagi Adam untuk tidak berusaha meluruskan tulang yang bengkok tersebut, seperti yang dikabarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW, “jika seorang lelaki meluruskan yang bengkok tersebut dengan serta merta, maka dia akan mematahkannya.” Maksud nya adalah dengan kebengkokan tersebut adalah perasaan yang ada pada diri seorang wanita yang mengalahkan perasaan seorang laki-laki

Tuesday, 25 February 2014


Tofu may not be the most flavorful food to eat, but it will certainly help keep your skin clear. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium and unsaturated fats which are essential in skin care.


Melayu yang sayangkan bangsa, agama dan negara perlu sanggup berkorban dalam melupakan segala polemik yang sedang berlaku sekarang. Perbezaan dalam politik dan idealogi dibolehkan tetapi jangan maruah bangsa dan agama dipertaruhkan.
Penyatuan melayu harus dipercepatkan. Melalui penyatuan ini kita mampu pergi lebih jauh lagi dan dapat mempertabatkan syiar islam kepada kedudukan yang lebih tinggi dan mulia melalui kuasa yang masih ada ditangan. Kita mampu menentang segala ancaman dengan penuh keyakinan Tiada satu kuasa yang mampu menggugat kekuatan itu melain ALLAH yang berkuasa atas segala apa yang akan berlaku.

Tanpa penyatuan daripada semua kaum lain negara tidak akan mengecapi segala kemajuan, kejayaan dan kemakmuran yang ada sekarang. Memang benar agak sukar untuk memuaskan hati semua pihak. Persefahaman itu penting dan amat diperlukan
Hilangkan segala prasangka buruk diantara satu sama lain dan buktikan kepada dunia kita mampu hidup dan bekerjasama dalam segala bidang tanpa mengambil kira perbezaan kaum. Banyak bukti boleh dipelajari bahawa permusuhan kaum tidak akan dapat menstabilkan sebuah negara malah pergolakan akan sering berlaku. Semua pihak akan berterusan cuba menegakkan kebenaran mereka.
Keutamaan kita sekarang untuk memupuk semangat perpaduan, toleransi dan saling hormat menghormati diantara satu dengan lain.
Hentikan pertikaian mengenai hak. Semua akan mendapat keutamaan dan tidak akan disisihkan.
Perpaduan mampu mengakhiri segala kemelut ini. Kita memerlukan sokongan dan kerjasama semua kaum untuk terus maju dan berjaya.


National Reconciliation Is The Way Forward

Change in Malaysia has to be spearheaded by the Malay community, and with this leadership, comes responsibility.

MALAYSIANS are increasingly polarised – especially over race and religion.
At the same time we’ve also lost our sense of humour.
We’ve become dour, over-sensitive killjoys.
The spirit of Lat, Harith Iskandar and Jo Kukuthas has disappeared.
Now, everyone has the right to be proud of their culture and identity.

But we’re suffering today because we all think of ourselves as being “Malay”, “Chinese” or “Indian” before being Malaysian.
So how do we move forward?
To me, “national reconciliation” must begin with my own community, the Malays.

Now, many Malays would say that I’m a liberal, English-speaking, half-breed and that I don’t have the locus standi to speak for and/or about the community.
But if the purists seek to disregard people who are different, then we’d be left with a much smaller and infinitely more impoverished community.
Still, goodwill cannot be restored as long as the Malays feel insecure.

As I’ve argued many times before – the irony is that the community has never had more reason to feel “safe” than today.
We constitute 65% of Malaysia’s population.
We dominate political life, the civil service and the military besides which we are steadily increasing our representation in the private sector, thanks to the New Economic Policy.
Why the Malays still feel embattled is beyond the scope of this article.
But like it or not, change in Malaysia cannot come without the Malay community spearheading it.

This is the reality by virtue of the community’s sheer size – a factor that also means that we must lead as well.
But leadership has its responsibilities – responsibilities that force us to take care not only of ourselves but also of our fellow citizens.
Leaders also have to show courage and magnanimity which sometimes means being willing to let bygones be bygones.

Of course, this may not please people who hold on to Malaysia’s age-old “social contract”.
But let’s be honest: the “social contract” no longer holds sway amongst most younger generation Malaysians.
We live in a globalised world.

It is no longer reasonable for anyone to be held back in life simply because of his or her ethnicity or religion.
The other races will no longer defer to us simply because we are Malays or out of fear.
Respect must be earned by respect; as well as achievement.
Furthermore, we must also learn to be at peace with ourselves.

The Malay community has never been monolithic or uniform – speaking, thinking and feeling the same thing – especially when it comes to politics or social issues.
But this is not a source of weakness. Indeed, it is a source of strength.

Every community in the world needs diversity.
Besides rebels and contrarians help cultures to remain dynamic and relevant.
People should be allowed to express different views without the fear of being branded a traitor to the race.
Indeed, reconciliation and a willingness to live with diversity must begin within the Malay community itself.
I am not calling for the end to political competition.
Again, this is inevitable and is a good thing – because it gives people choices as well as keeps politicians honest.

However, there are also times when bipartisanship is not a bad idea.
But the pettiness, small-mindedness and threats of violence must stop.
Such ignorant behaviour insults the intelligence and dignity of all Malaysians.
A just country is a happy one. Which leader or party will stand up for this?
Maybe change needs to come from the grassroots just as much as from the top.
If the last six years has taught us anything, it’s that power is diffused in Malaysia.

The people are ultimately the boss.
What happens to Malaysia depends on us.
What country it becomes is up to us – the politicians are our representatives and if they steal, act like goons or disappoint us, we should vote them out of office.
Nonetheless, we have proven that political change – however gradual and piecemeal – can occur peacefully.
Now we must seek to realise a shared sense of nationhood that all Malaysians can accept.
The key is to embrace our people’s diversity in all its hues.
Only courage and wisdom can bring Malaysia together again and move it onwards.


Sunday, 23 February 2014

Usrah Turut Menjadi Amalan Mustapa Mohamed

Majlis-majlis keagamaan berupa usrah, syarahan agama (tazkirah) dan juga bacaan Yassin, tahalil dan solat berjemaah telah lama menjadi amalan sesetengah tokoh agama, korporat dan juga ahli politik di negara ini. Menerusi majlis seperti itu ia bukan saja dapat menambahkan pengetahuan dan ilmu agama, tetapi merapatkan lagi jalinan ukhuwah Islamiyah sesama sendiri.

Majlis sebegini secara tidak langsung mereka khasnya ahli politik dapat menjernihkan keadaan dan juga mengendurkan stres politik. Matlamat lain tentulah untuk memenuhi tuntutan Allah s.w.t. menyemarakkan dan sebagai mendokong kerja-kerja untuk mendaulatkan agama-Nya.

Misalnya Anwar Ibrahim, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Husam Musa dan lain-lain sudah lama menjadikan rumah mereka sebagai taman usrah, (kegiatan mini) keagamaan di rumah mereka. Kesibukan mereka dalam berpolitik yang tidak memberi kesempatan untuk mereka menghadiri majlis-majlis agama di luar rumah mereka, telah dipenuhi dengan tanggungjawab menghidupkan agama dengan membawa balik majlis-majlis seumpama itu di kediaman masing-masing.

Sebahagian yang hadir usrah di rumah Mustapa. Sudah pasti juga tujuannya untuk memperkukuhkan pegangan agama di kalangan anak beranak, ia juga memberi manfaat kerana dapat ditumpangi oleh jiran tetangga dan sahabat handai dan anak buah.

Anwar Ibrahim sejak dizaman beliau memimpin Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) lagi telah mengadakan usrah atau majlis keagamaan di kediaman atau pejabatnya secara rutin. Setiap malam Jumaat sering diadakan majlis bacaan Yassin, tahalil serta sembahyang berjemaah. Hasil dari majlis seumapama itulah kita dapat mengukuhkan hubungan persahabatan dan persaudaraan.

Bila bercakap mengenai kegiatan atau majlis mini agama ini (usrah), tanpa banyak hebuhan, rupa-rupanya ia turut menjadi amalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) Mustapa Mohamed. Dalam diam-diam sudah lebih setahun Mustapa menganjurkan usrah atau mengadakan majlis keagamaan di kediamannya di Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur secara rutin bulanan.

Berwacana dalam majlis mini begini sangat berkesan.
Malam tadi telah berlangsung usrah yang ke-2 bagi tahun ini dan merupakan program sama ke-7 sejak ia bermula tahun lalu. Lebih 200 orang hadir malam tadi terdiri daripada ahli keluarga, rakan taulan, pegawai-pegawai kerajaan khasnya di kementeriannya, pemimpin pelajar dan para profesional.

Manakala serombongan pelajar Tahfiz merupakan tetamu istimewa pada setiap kali diadakan mahlis usrah itu. Majlis itu diisi dengan bacaan Yassin, tahalil dan juga tazkirah agama oleh seorang tokoh agama yang dipanggil khas. Solat berjemaah Maghrib dan Isyak serta hajat juga dijalankan sama.

Usaha sebegini hendaknya tidak akan terhad kepada tokoh-tokoh atau ketua parti seperti Mustapa, Anwar atau Husam Musa dan lain-lain saja, tetapi perlu menjadi ikutan dan amalan tokoh-tokoh lain juga. Para Exco di peringkat negeri juga wajar menganjurkan sama majlis seumpama ini.

Orang politik atau tokoh dalam pelbagai bidang harus menggunakan peluang dan kesempatan yang ada kepada mereka untuk memperbanyakan kegiatan agama termasuk mengadakan mini usrah di rumah masing-masing.

Sekiranya usaha dan amalan ini menjadi satu budaya di kalangan orang berada dan tokoh politik, kegiatan keagamaan di negara ini akan menjadi lebih meriah lagi


STOCKHOLM: Anak lelaki pasangan Malaysia di Sweden yang didakwa mendera anak mereka berkata rotan yang digunakan terhadap adik beradiknya bertujuan memastikan mereka berdisiplin seperti hamba.

"Ia seperti mereka mengawal kami dengan benda itu. Kami tidak mahu dikenakan hukuman dengan benda itu," kata Ammar , 12, dalam satu temubual yang direkodkan awal januari lalu.

Video temubual itu disiarkan ketika prosiding di Mahkamah Daerah Solna di sini, pada hari Jumaat.

"Mereka fikir mereka seperti tuan dan kami hamba," katanya.

Mendengar keterangan itu, ibunya Shalwati Nurshal dilihat memuncungkan bibirnya dan menyilang tangan.

Shalwati dan suaminya, Azizul Raheem Awalluddin ditahan pada 18 Disember tahun lalu selepas Ammar memberitahu kakitangan di sekolahnya bahawa dia dipukul.

Aduannya itu menyebabkan mereka melaporkan perkara itu kepada pihak berkuasa.
Polis wanita yang menemubual Ammar bertanya mengenai alat yang digunakan oleh ibunya itu, Ammar berkata ia dipanggil 'rotan' dalam bahasa Melayu.

Katanya beliau tidak tahu jika istilah rotan terdapat dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Anggota polis turut bertanya jika rotan itu mempunyai kegunaan lain seperti penyangkut baju yang digunakan untuk memukul walaupun ia adalah alat untuk menggantung pakaian.

"Ia digunakan untuk memukul sesuatu," tegas Ammar .

"Saya fikir ia digunakan untuk mendidik. Di Malaysia, beliau (Shalwati) menggunakannya apabila mengajar al-Quran. Apabila saya membuat banyak kesilapan, dia akan memukul saya atau memukul-mukul lantai," katanya.
Apabila ditanya oleh polis bagaimana Ammar tahu adik-beradiknya turut dipukul, Ammar berkata adik beliau akan 'berkongsi kesakitan mereka' tetapi mengakui kakaknya, Aishah lebih berdiam diri.

Perbicaraan bersambung Isnin. - mStar


On The Beat
Lately, whether by design, fate or plain coincidence, we have been seeing, reading or hearing about people or issues that involve the name Ibrahim.

THERE is something odd going on lately in Malaysia. For some seriously strange reasons, whether by design, fate or plain coincidence, Malaysians are seeing, reading or hearing about people or issues that involve the name Ibrahim. So let us go through the current hot list.

1 ) Anwar Ibrahim: He sure knows how to confuse us. We all thought he wanted to be Prime Minister. Then he said he would retire from politics and take up a teaching career if Pakatan Rakyat failed to capture Putrajaya in the general election.
Well, many of us, being the confused lot that we are, actually believe him, or at least believe in the many things that he has been saying, anyway.
Then, following the decision of the Kajang state assemblyman to vacate the seat, Anwar confused us further by saying he would not be contesting the seat. But he finally announced, after much charade, that he would be contesting after all.
Now, he says that even if he wins the seat, he does not aim to be the Mentri Besar of Selangor. Well, the whole world seems to think otherwise.
He has already confused us enough with his answers on why he is forcing a by-election in Kajang. Until now, no one, including his diehard supporters, can give us a convincing explanation.
Seriously, all of us should really ask him what it is he really wants. This man has to be the master of surprises. No one can beat him at that.
No one can remember him having a liking for football. Horses and jet ski, yes. Suddenly he has donned the colours of the Selangor football team.
If Penang plays against Selangor, we are not sure if he will be wearing anything, given that he is an MP from Penang, which is also a Pakatan-controlled state. That’s pretty confusing.
Well, for sure, he has really given us a few good lessons in politics!

2 ) Khalid Ibrahim: This is one sorry Ibrahim. His hair has become more dishevelled lately. He murmurs to himself most of the time and he is doing this even more.
Who can blame him? He has to be careful who he talks to now with his party boss wanting to take over his job. His fellow ADUNs – who all claim they are in politics for the sake of the people – must be having a tough time deciding who they should stand behind now to further their political ambitions.
They have to decide which horse they should back – this mumbling corporate figure or the real political animal, Anwar Ibrahim, who has the magic of getting people to believe what he wants them to believe.
If it’s me, it’s me. If he says it isn’t him, all will nod in agreement, as if under a spell, and repeat that it isn’t him. It’s just a lookalike of me, a body double, a Siamese twin.
Poor Khalid. The only one he can trust is himself. He can only talk to himself.
We all hope he will just hang in there because he is actually a likeable bloke. What you see is what you get from this Ibrahim.

3 ) Zaid Ibrahim: Now, this one is tricky. We are just as confused because he has either joined or formed almost every political party in town. And we, being the terribly naive Malaysians, thought that this sort of thing only happens to Sabahan politicians.
No one is quite sure why he is declaring his candidacy for the Kajang by-election. It can’t be his love for the satay there, for sure. We are not even sure if he knows his way around Kajang or if he even has friends there.
But this Ibrahim can be assured that he will get his 15 minutes of fame every night on prime time TV. Our advice is he should not attempt to sound too philosophical or intellectual during his campaign rounds in Kajang.
That’s because we are already confused. We are not sure if he is seeking the support of Barisan or Pakatan Rakyat supporters. We are not too sure there are enough fence sitters like him. But we are sure he will confuse us during the entire campaign period.

4 ) Ibrahim Ali: We can assume that he will be there. He and his gang of merry men never let us down when it comes to providing the comic relief. But he has been saying that he is actually the one who has been delivering the Malay votes for Umno and that without him, Umno would have been in serious trouble.
But the best line from him recently is that there are many troublemakers impersonating Perkasa members! Fuyoh!
Now, that’s interesting! And we, being the confused Malaysians, thought that Malaysian politicians have confused us sufficiently and endlessly but this is the ultimate confusion! Imitation Perkasa members, wow.

5 ) Haris Ibrahim: He has been unusually quiet since being initially denied entry into Australia last September. The outspoken activist and lawyer shows up everywhere. He is a permanent fixture in all protests and demonstra­tions. A specialist in this sort of things, we may say. We are not sure if he will add some colour and excitement in Kajang. But he’s definitely another Ibrahim that we can welcome to the Kajang polls, to confuse many of us further.

6 ) Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh: He may not be a household name in Malaysia but he would probably get a recognition from the Malaysia Book of Records for being involved in the most number of non-­government organisations. This Ibrahim is involved in every NGO – from Bersih to Gabungan Mansuh ISA to Pemantau to Independent Monitoring Election Commission.
He has served notice that he will be in Kajang in his capacity as chief of the Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel). Are there any hats he is not wearing? Hasn’t he been confused himself before?
We won’t be surprised if he will soon head a Gabungan Cinta Satay Kajang or Stick It Up for Kajang Voters movements.

7 ) Rahim Thamby Chik: Well, not quite Ibrahim but close enough. This veteran politician can’t stand the sight of Anwar Ibrahim. Or for that matter anything about Anwar Ibrahim. He is his sworn enemy. Well, Enemy Forever. Not BFF, for sure.
We are not sure whether he will turn up in Kajang with Ummi Hafilda, another sworn enemy of Anwar. She seems to have gone into political oblivion since her marriage to a Pakistani doctor. It seems to be like an extended honeymoon, perhaps to make up for lost time. But we hope to hear from her soon. Looks like she has discovered that there’s more to life than her obsession – Anwar Ibrahim. It’s never too late. All these players hate one another but they can’t stay away from one another either. Isn’t that confusing?

8 ) Ibrahim Ahmad Badawi: Brahim LSG Skychef Sdn Bhd, formerly known as MAS Catering, belongs to Datuk Ibrahim Haji Ahmad Badawi, the younger brother of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. This company has been in the news lately.
Those of us who have been lucky enough to travel on business class on MAS will find the airline’s satay simply irresistible. Having lost the nasi lemak fight, we hope MAS will now redeem its image and go to Kajang for a satay war soon.
No one would have thought that there is such a thing as a “very naked” nasi lemak! Chef Wan Ismail took a picture of the very bare nasi lemak that was served in economy class on the route to Bangkok.
To the horror of this melodramatic chef, he claimed there were no nuts! Chef Wan may seem lembut (soft) at times but no one messes around with his food.
He was terribly pissed off. He whipped out his smart phone and took pictures of the nasi lemak missing the nuts. Err, sorry, I meant groundnuts.
And for Chef Wan, that’s a helluva of a telanjang (naked)! The essential ikan bilis or fried anchovies were not there either.
Well, following a full investigation, just short of a Royal Commission, it was finally revealed that the nuts had to be removed because they had gone stale. Blame the supplier who had gone on Chinese New Year break. Well, someone has to be the scapegoat in the great Malaysian tradition.
Poor Ibrahim, we never thought this would become an issue. This whole thing may seem a little nutty but the moral of the lesson here is, please don’t take economy class passengers for granted. We are not any ikan bilis, okay? We can strip anyone, Datuk or no Datuk, naked.
Well, things are going to get more interesting because the nomination and campaigning for Kajang have not even started yet!

And we still say the Election Commission should extend the campaigning period.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Land Of Many Contradictions

The star : Wong Chun Wai.
Middle Class Malaysia is a pretty confused group. But then, the country is confused anyway.

THE Malaysian middle class, especially those living in Petaling Jaya and Subang – easily the biggest suburbs of middle class residents in the country – prides itself as educated, active in social media, well-read and surely the bastion of democracy, human rights and all things fashionably liberal.

Well, it’s also a pretty confused group. But then, the country is confused anyway.

Point One: We hear the middle class grumbling, whining and complaining about foreign labour – and we do this insensitively in front of our foreign workers, especially the maids!
Aiyoh, how can the government allow so many foreigners to come in one? Why the government cannot be like Singapore where they only let in clever, skilled foreigners? Sorry, expatriates. Not cheap labourers.
In the same breath, the middle class also gets uptight because of the long wait for Indonesian maids! Eh, what’s wrong with the government ah? Cannot even get Indonesian maids. So incompetent one.

Point Two: So, we also hear Middle Class Malaysia agreeing that we must never, never rely on foreign maids. We must be resilient. We will clean up the house ourselves. We will train our kids to be independent. But we tell our kids: Ah Boy ah, why you go and clean the plates? Leave the plates on the table lah. We got a maid what. Let Kak do the cleaning lah. Go, go away from the kitchen. Duh!

Point Three: Middle Class Malaysia is aghast at the seemingly corrupt practices in the country. There is fear that corruption has become entrenched. It’s so sickening. How can the politicians be so corrupt? We must stop corruption. But in the same breath, we tell our kids. Eh, Ah Boy, can you ask your driving instructor whether can pay coffee money to pass the driving test ah? Got package ah? Better settle lah, so no need to sit for many driving tests. It’s costly, you know?
And we say we are against graft.

Point Four: Middle Class Malaysia must be one of the biggest accomplices in intellectual theft. We have zero respect for intellectual property. It’s not even our SOP to educate our children to stop buying pirated movies.
Ah Boy, please do not buy original DVD or CD, okay? Just buy from the pasar malam, you only watch once. Don’t waste money buying original on Amazon, okay? You hear me?
Ma, no need to buy DVD any more lah. Can just download for free one. No need to pay one!
That’s my boy, clever. Please teach Ma how to do, okay?
So, the entire family has become pretty good at this crime. After all, we are the only nation to have pirated DVDs that include a clip at the beginning to warn viewers about buying pirated DVDs!

Point Five: Still on fighting corruption. At every political ceramah, the crowd gets into a frenzy when the speakers expose corruption involving leaders and their wives, or their second or third wives. But we have also become pretty sophisticated in choosing who to condemn despite the mantra, “wrong is wrong and right is right”.
Aiyah, Ah Boy, these politicians only makan a bit only what. All the politicians makan one. They makan more and bigger. So if our favourite politicians makan, it’s okay lah. We must still support them, Ah Boy. Come, come, don’t ask any more. Do your homework. You don’t understand politics.

Point Six: We hate corrupt traffic cops. If anyone stops us, we know the road blocks are probably not sanctioned. It seems to be more frequent when the festivals approach.
We all hate cops who want to “settle” an offence instead of just issuing a summons. And yet many of us are guilty of offering bribes to dirty cops despite our sworn war against corruption.
Ah Boy, you mad ah? You never kau tim (settle in Cantonese) with the policeman ah? You think you are very rich ah? You actual­ly ask for a summons? You seow (crazy in Hokkien) ah?
And this is the best part: Middle Class Malaysians will wait and delay paying until the police offers a discount for unpaid summonses! No extra penalty, no compounded interest but a reward – a discount! Only in Malaysia!

Point Seven: Middle Class Malaysia is very particular about what schools their kids go to. It must be the best one. It must have school kids who come from good, well-off families. Cannot afford to have their kids mingling with poor schoolmates. But the problem is not everyone stays in the neighbourhood where the good schools are located. So we instil this value very early in our kids, that we must cheat to get ahead in life!
Ah Boy, don’t worry. Even if we do not stay near the school, we use my friend’s address lah. I also changed my credit card and phone bills already, got proof! Sure, you can get into that school. Don’t tell people, okay?
In short, cheating is okay. Only politicians cannot cheat.

Point Eight: Middle Class Malaysia parents cannot imagine that their kids have been selected for National Service. Horrors of horrors! It’s for other kids! Even if their own kids are excited with the new adventure, their parents cannot imagine their kids being packed off to a camp. What happens if they die eating horrible food? What happens if they get bullied?
OMG, mixing with kids of other races? What happens if they fall in love with someone from another race? And in the same breath, they will tell their kids: Ah Boy ah, why can’t this country be more multi­racial? Why must we always talk about race, race and race? I am so sick.
Malaysians don’t sit down and eat together any more. Not like during my time! What? You got selected for National Service? Why are you so sway (bad luck in Hokkien) one? Go and find a way to get out lah. Don’t go!

Point Nine: Middle Class Malaysia gets very angry at the increasing price of sugar and cannot imagine how rice is traded in this country. But they get really mad when their teh tarik is still so sweet despite asking for kurang manis! What’s wrong with this mamak fella? Want me to die ah, with so much sugar?
And then we continue the whining with the government increasing the price of sugar.
Rice? Don’t eat rice lah. Better stop eating. Too much carbo. You want to get diabetes? Better stop eating rice if you want to stay slim. Take my advice, don’t be so stubborn. Stop nasi lemak, stop nasi kandar, stop chicken rice. Hear me.
And in the same breath, we complain about the price of rice, which we all think should be cheaper. Ah Boy, I tell you, I don’t know what’s wrong with this government. Why is the price of rice so expensive? If we don’t eat rice, what do we eat?
Boy, you hear me or not? Going out again at this time? Don’t eat rice at the mamak shop okay? Rice is no good for you. Just eat chapatti­, okay?

Point Ten: And finally ... there are still some good things to say about Middle Class Malaysia, and most Malaysians for that matter. We are super polite people. Most of us don’t call people names unless you are a politician or intellectually weak and unable to argue in a debate, especially on social media.
We also don’t call each other by name because we simply do not address people by name. We never call each other Mr or Miss or Madam. Everyone older than us is automatically an uncle or aunty, even though we are not related.

For some strange reasons, we call many people Boss! Hello, Boss, can get me a burger ah? Sure, Boss, satu burger special!
Or everyone is a brother. Eh, Brother, bagi satu kopi. No problem, Brudder!

We all seem to be so family. I love Middle Class Malaysia! This is home! This is the Land of the Confused!

Friday, 14 February 2014

KIta Adalah Rakyat Malaysia.

Kita juga merupakan kaum pendatang seperti mereka. Perbezaan yang ketara kita sudah bertapak lebih lama jika dibandingkan dengan mereka. Mereka datang ke negara ini dan didatangkan atas tujuan tertentu. Ada yang datang secara bersendirian dan ada juga yang dibawa oleh mereka yang berkepentingan.
Situasi biasa dimana pendatang atau orang baru bermastautin bila sudah lama dan selesa dengan keadaan persekitaran  mereka akan mula bertindak  untuk merebut dan mengambil tempat dan peluang yang ada untuk kepentingan mereka. Keadaan ini sebenarnya bukan baru tetapi sudah menjadi satu lumrah dimana golongan seperti ini akan mengambil peluang yang ada untuk kebaikan mereka.

Situasi sebegini boleh kita lihat dimana mana baik di dalam sebuah organisasi atau di dalam masyarakat kita. Orang  
yang telah lama menabur jasa dan bakti akan cuba ditentang dan kuasa mereka cuba diambilalih. Mereka merasakan mereka layak dan berkemampuan untuk menerajui dari segala sudut. Mereka beranggapan mereka juga berhak dan mendapat layanan yang sama seperti yang dinikmati oleh kaum pribumi yang lain dinegara ini.

Sering terjadi pihak yang mencabar dapat menyempurnakan hajat mereka disebabkan mereka mempunyai semangat yang jitu didalam diri mereka. Mereka bersatu dan sering mendapat bantuan dari mereka yang memendam hasrat untuk berkuasa bersedia untuk membantu mereka merealisasikan impian itu. Pihak yang dicabar akan merasakan tercabar dan berusaha untuk mempertahankan tetapi gagal dalam merancang akibat terlalu selesa dan yakin akan kemampuan yang mereka ada selama ini.

Pengalaman, jasa dan populariti belum pasti dapat menjamin kemenangan. Pembaharuan dan hala tuju yang baru sering dicari. Sikap keegoan juga sering menjadi punca kejatuhan. Selagi pihak yang ditentang  tidak mempunyai kesedaran dan cuba untuk membaiki kesilapan mereka maka bertambah mudah untuk mereka melaksanakan dan merealisasikan impian mereka.

Bertindak dan Berubah untuk memastikan apa yang kita sayang dan pertahankan terus kekal demi masa depan yang lebih cerah untuk bangsa, agama dan negara.